Part 18: Shopping Trip

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Pov Pavel:
We walk to the pub to meet Spock and Cassie seems calm for now. I worry about how all of this stuff about the Caliber is affecting her. I wish I could just take her away from it all.

Part of me feels Spock would want that for her as well. When he "mind melded" with me, he saw I care about her. A lot. I was surprised he still came to the conclusion he would be ok with me protecting her.

I continue holding her hand as we approach the pub. Spock is here with Uhura, and she greets us with a smile.  Spock nods, then says "we didn't find anything. The one we're looking for is not among the survivors. Dr McCoy took blood samples as well and analyzed them for anything unexpected. They're continuing the research by looking over the list of the crew and assignments. They may need your assistance later."

Cassie nods her head silently, analyzing things herself in her head. "Pavel had a theory..." They both look at me, expecting me to explain. "Mr chekov..?" Spock prompts me.

"Ah yes I did. You see, I thought, vhat if zhey did survive but zhey transported off zhe ship somevhere else? We have seen vhat Khan can do, vhat if zhey could do zhe same?"

Spock nods. "Your theory is logical Mr Chekov. In fact, you might have a very valid point. We might still be looking for Khan's 2 missing crew members... Fascinating...we must get to work right away. I will comm the captain and the others still at headquarters. Excuse me." He seemingly bows out of our little circle and goes off a few feet away on his comm.

Cassie looks distracted but shakes it off and turns her attention to Uhura. "Uhura would you care to accompany me shopping? I don't have much to wear other than my uniform and some sweats. I need a few dresses for the ball and breakfast tomorrow."

"Sure! Sounds like fun. I could use some girl time."

Spock walks back to the group, "we will go back to headquarters tomorrow after breakfast. It's already far past dinner..."

"Cassie and I are gonna go shopping before the stores close then." Uhura says.

"...I see....then I hope you don't mind Mr Chekov and I will be following close behind, but far enough to give you the expected privacy."

Uhura rolls her eyes "I guess not. Cmon let's go! I still want to actually go to the pub tonight!"

Spock and I walk behind the girls and when they enter a dress shop, we wait casually outside. It's a bit awkward with him, as usual. But more so now since he mind melded with me. He knows a vital piece of information that I myself wasn't sure of until recently. How to tell Cassie or when, I'm not sure. But it's inevitable now.

"Have you observed anything odd? Has there been anyone seemingly following Cassie around? Other than us, of course." Spock asks out of the awkward silence.

"No, not really zhat I can recall. But zhere was an odd character in zhe lobby of zhe headquarters vhen I vent to go pick up Cassie from her meeting vith zhe Commander."

"Odd? In what way?"

"He vas just...he kept looking at me like he vas vatching me vith a purpose. Like he knew me. I don't know.." It is really hard to explain. It could've been paranoia, but it felt more like a gut feeling. I'm sure Spock understands the "gut feeling" feeling at least. Or would he just simply call it instinct? Probably. "Itz just a strong instinct, Mr Spock."

Another moment of silence as we hear the girls laughing inside the store. I'm glad Cassie is having a good time tonight....

"Mr Chekov, I also expect you are keeping firm boundaries with my sister?"

I nearly choke on my thoughts. I think of what just happened back in the hotel room before he commed Cassie and shrink away slightly, hoping he won't try to mind meld with me again. "Yes sir. I do respect Cassie very much, sir."

Spock is not one to talk much and I don't want to talk about hitting on his sister, but there is one thing I've been meaning to ask him.

The girls come out of the shop with a few bags and we allow them to walk in front of us. When Uhura passes me, that's when I see it: the necklace Uhura is wearing. It seems to be just your ordinary Crystal, but I know it's not. I've taken a few extra classes at the academy in my spare time and I knew what that was.

I wait until the girls were a bit ahead of us to ask, "Mr Spock...zhat necklace you have Uhura...I know what zhat Vulcan mineral is and vhat it can be used for..."

Spock shifts uncomfortably "yes Mr Chekov, I did what was necessary. She likes the gift and the meaning behind it, she looks beautiful wearing it, and it gives me peace in mind I can find her if necessary.....I trust you understand why I am hesitant to tell her."

I nod. "In fact, Mr Spock...I vas hoping for a favor...I vould like to know vhere I might find one like zhat around here..." I look at Cassie talking and smiling with Uhura, and back at Spock. He nods.

"I think that is a very logical idea for her circumstance Mr Chekov. Thank you for caring for her and taking that into consideration. If I acquire one, would you like to give it to her yourself? I'm sure it would mean a lot to her...she might feel inclined to wear it more often and that would work in our favor."

"But Mr Spock...she is Vulcan...vhy vould she not know vhat it is? Couldn't she be avare of vhat zhe mineral is and vhat it is capable of?"

Spock seems to give almost what appears to be a slight smile. "That is precisely why you must give it to her. I know her strong point was definitely not Vulcan geology, however if she does recognize it, she will think you gave it to her for it's beauty. If I give it to her, she won't wear it because she would know it's purpose and my intention. She would most likely not think you know what the mineral can be used for."

His logic does make sense. Of course it does, he's Spock. "Yes sir. Understood. Please get me zhe mineral for her. I vill reimburse you in full. I just vant her safe." Do I want to be that creepy boyfriend? No. But I know she is in danger. The mineral has tracking capabilities and if she vanishes, I will travel to the ends of the universe to find her. Perhaps I can use this gift to finally confess what I've been wanting to tell her, and I think Spock might have predicted that too, as he's known since we mind melded. I love her.

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