Part 8: Found Out

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Pov: Cassie

I open my eyes and smile. I had a pleasant dream of the current reality: me sleeping soundly on Pavel's chest; us snuggled tightly together.

He opens his eyes and kisses the top of my head. "Good morning Cassie"

"Good morning to you too Pavel." And I kiss his cheek.

"Did you sleep ok?"

"Yes. Much better. No more nightmares."

"Same here."

There's a knock at the door. Oh no. What time is it?!

"T'Maire, are you in there? Mr. Scott was expecting you an hour ago. Mr Chekov seems to be missing as well."

Oh no! Pavel and I exchange a wide-eyed panicked look. I leap out of bed "uhm yes brother I'm sorry I uh didn't set an alarm or wake up call...I didn't sleep well. And I cannot account for Mr Chekov's whereabouts, I assure you." I motion for Pavel to hide in the closet knowing what's to come.

"T'Maire, I do not see the logic in talking through a door. May I come in?"

"Uh...-" I shut the closet door on Pavel "just a minute!" I look in the mirror. The long gray Starfleet shirt, red shorts I slept in and messy hair are hopefully the only thing he'll investigate.

I open the door and Spock looks me in the eyes. He knows I'm nervous. "T'Maire is there something I should know?"

"No everything's fine brother I just...gave up hope you'd call me by my preferred name, and just having nightmares about the attack, you know, PTSD is pretty common so you'll have to excuse me for my tardiness. I'm very very tired and if you'll excuse me I still have to get ready to go down to work with Scotty-"

"Sister why is the spare bed not made, as well as your bed is not made either?"

I stop dead. Oh no. "Oh! Um I was so restless last night. I thought moving to that bed might help. My bed is under the vent so-"


Spock looks towards the closet. Damn......

He walks towards the closet and opens the door. I'm bracing as if I'm going to have a bomb dropped on me.

Pavel stands up straight and is clearly sweating heavily. "Mr Commander Spock Sir!" He salutes him and his elbow hits the wall of the closet. I can see Spock is unamused to say the least, especially since Pavel sleeps shirtless. "I can explain sir, my apologies, I vas just-" and his cute Russian accent is cut off by Spock using the old Vulcan trick, pinching his shoulder and Pavel falls to the ground asleep.

"Spock! How could you?!"

"Sister this is most inappropriate. You've been on the ship for a mere 24 hours."

"Spock we didn't do anything! He spent the night. I was nervous and walking around during the lockdown. He caught me, gave me a talking to and I convinced him to stay with me because I was afraid. Seriously Spock you always jump to the most illogic explanation when it comes to me!"

"Well at least I think logically. Right now, T'Maire, you're being highly irresponsible. You should not have slept in. You have duties to attend to in engineering and you spend the night with a human boy you barely know."

I blink, "what does him being human have to do with anything?"

"We are part of an extinct species. You have a duty to your people."

I'm fuming. I clench my fists "so we're not going to talk about the fact you're dating a human as well?"

"There are alternatives for me."

I simply cannot bare to look at him "you're kidding me Spock. Why can't you just be happy for me?! You're too technical. You don't think at all with your heart. Besides, I'm half Vulcan. We both are. They never accepted us. Why should we help them? They probably only want pure blood Vulcans repopulating anyway. And you know what? If mom was here she would be happy for me. But you'd still argue with her about it, wouldn't you Spock?!"
He says nothing. "Get out Spock. Leave me alone." I open the door and he hesitates, but walks out slowly without saying a word.

I close the door and slide down to sit against it. My head falls into my hands as I crouch into a ball and cry.

I was really close with my mom. She understood my human side, the side which happens to be my more dominant side. She taught me a lot about life on earth and how things worked there. I always wanted to live there someday and travel all over earth. We watched a lot of movies together and I would read classic earth literature a lot. Her favorite was Romeo and Juliet, and that's exactly how it looked to be unfolding for me right now.

"Ayeeee...." I hear Pavel stirring on the floor. I wipe my tears away and crawl over to him.

"Pavel? Are you ok?"

He nodded "zat 's a neat trick he has" he rubs his shoulder "I'm sorry Cassie. It vas dusty in there. I tried-"

I laugh "it's ok. It happens."

"I must apologize to him."

"Pavel I'm sure he would rather you not. He doesn't like us together. I don't know what his problem is. It's best to give him space."

"May I ask vhy he doesn't like me?"

"It's not exactly you, it''s a long story. Well not really. He just thinks I should be with a Vulcan."

"But he's dating-"

"I know" I roll my eyes. "That's just how he's always been. Just...unpleasant." He helps me up off the floor. "We really should get ready. We're late. My brother isn't the only one ready to chew us out i'm sure."

"Aye! Scotty vill have my head! Be right back. I should really go shower and get in uniform. I be back in 15 and ve valk down together?"

"Ok. I'll be ready" I kiss his cheek quickly before he's out the door. Boy I am NOT ready for another round of being yelled at.

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