Part 2: Stars in My Eyes

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Pov: Chekov

Since the call from Admiral Yelton, we've just been sitting on the bridge. Some of us on our PADDS until the remaining crew of the Caliber arrived.

"Captain the scanners are picking up 3 small vessels to the left. It's the Caliber crew." Sulu announces.

"Alert medical and we'll go give them a warm welcome. Spock, Chekov, and Uhura with me. Sulu you have the con."

I'm still stunned as Sulu gives his "aye Captain". Why me?

"Mr Chekov..?" Captain Kirk urges.
"Oh...a-aye keptain." And I get up to follow off the bridge.

"Scuse me keptain but why me? Not to be rude but-"

Spock cuts me off, "I concur, captain, this seems a bit illogical. It is customary you and I greet the crew but why the need for the young ensign?"

Kirk laughs "So you question the presence of Chekov and not your girlfriend. Real nice. But listen, there's a lot of young recruits on that ship, mostly Chekov's age or one to two years older. They'd need comfort and counseling but someone who can relate to them when they board would be helpful. Uhura and Chekov have more compassion than the rest of the bridge together. Well, Sulu too but someone has to do it. Anyway, how many are we expecting?"

"About 45 survivors." Uhura answers.

We reach the lower decks and watch as the 3 vessels dock. There's a lot of rushing as our crew helps about 19 wounded and 2 already dead out of their vessels, leaving a sad 24 remaining crew members as they continued to exit.

That's when I saw her.

She stepped out of the tiny ship, a red dress and an engineering badge. Long brown hair that seemed to turn caramel and ginger on the ends, and blue eyes that twinkled like stars of every constellation in her eyes. She was short, curvy and amazingly beautiful my heart stopped, then sped up louder than the core of the Enterprise. She looked at me and gave me a weak little smile that must've been all she could manage after what she's been through.

She then pulls her hair behind her ear revealing a tiny point to her ear. She looks at Spock and yells, "Brother!"
And runs for an embrace.

I break out of my daze and watch as Spock hugs the beautiful girl.

"T'Maire, I'm so grateful that you are safe."

"Spock what have I told you about calling me by my Vulcan name? I prefer my human name!" She smiles. The way she talks differs so much from her brother. It is full of emotion and human sounding.

"Yes, of course. You're so much like mother. You look more and more like her each day. And less...."

"Vulcan?" She finishes.

"...yes I suppose so. Please, allow me to introduce my captain, Captain James T. Kirk of the Enterprise."

Kirk takes T'Maire's hand and kisses it. "Pleasure, T'Maire" he says and tilts his head to smile at Spock, clearly enjoying the situation.

"The pleasure is mine, Captain. And please call me by my human name, Cassie." She smiles brightly again.

"Technically the translation would be Cassandra-" Spock starts but is stopped by his sister.

"I know what it means. Stop being technical and introduce me to the rest of your friends." She gently shoves him playfully.

"Yes, well, I think first we must take care of the pressing matters and-"

"Spock relax. I already had Uhura run room numbers for our guests. Right Uhura?"

"Yes, already taken care of." She turns to Cassie and extends a hand. "I'm Uhura, if you need anything you're always welcome to ask me. My room is 245." She gives a warm smile and Cassie returns it,

"Thank you." Then she turns to me, " are?"

I can't speak for a second, "ah, uh, hi I'm Chekov. Pavel Chekov." I shake her hand, unsure if I should be as bold as Kirk and kiss her hand, I politely let go.

"Why don't we divide into groups and take them all to their rooms? Uhura you can take those 6 there, Spock those 6 there, I'll take these 6, and Mr Chekov, you can take Cassie and those 5 there." Kirk smiles, winks and pats my back and they all head out before Spock could protest.

"Uhhh right dis way, please." I open the document and room assignments on my PADD and escort the first 5 to their rooms, being Cassie's room is the furthest down.

"Looks like your room is close to mine too. Your room is dis one here on zhe left. 232. Mine is 237."

"Thank you Pavel. It was nice of you to show me to my room. Maybe after I rest up you could show me around the ship?"

"Yes ma'am, happy to." I smile at her. Then my communicator beeps. I answer "yes keptain?"

"I need you back on the bridge. We got a bit of a situation."

"Right away keptain!"

Suddenly the ship jerks a bit.

Beyond the Stars, Beyond the Moonजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें