Part 3: Logical Confusion

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Pov: Cassie
The ship shakes again and I almost fall over, but Chekov catches me.
"Thanks" I say as I smile up at him.

"No problem" he says in that cute Russian accent.

We start walking towards the bridge together as the ship quivers once more, seemingly coming from the lower decks.

We reach the bridge and there's a lot of commotion. We look out the window and the debris of my ship, the U.S.S. Caliber was heading toward us, and apparently hitting us as well.

"Mr Chekov, get to your post!" Yells Kirk from his chair.

"A-aye keptain, sorry!" And he springs into the navigator chair.

Navigator? Wow. Who knew someone as young as I could have such an important job!

"Sulu back us up! Full reverse!" Kirk orders.

"I would advise against that, captain. We have already drifted too far into the debris. We fly blindly in reverse. It would be unwise. Surely odds are we will hit more than a fair amount of debris." ...there goes my brother with his logic. He's not wrong though, that's for sure.

"Point taken. Just get us outta here!"

"Aye sir!" And with that Sulu takes us out, slightly on a diagonal, and I hold on to a rail for balance.

"Sister, what are you doing on the bridge? You should be resting. We have a lot of details to cover about your attack once you and the rest of the crew are ready."

"Spock I'm fine. Really. I can sleep later. I want to help!" I answer.

"Well it seems like Sulu has it under control" says the captain as we get closer to an opening free of the cloud of debris.

"Captain you might want to see this" a crew member calls from behind his chair. Kirk goes over to look and naturally my brother and I follow.

"What is it?" I ask.

"It appears to be a species I have yet to come in contact with. I thought they were long extinct. Fascinating..."

"That doesn't answer the question Spock, what is it?" Kirk asks with attitude.

There in the rubble of one enemy ship we did manage to take out was a tall, thick, blue/silver-gray alien with scaly skin.

"It's a Piscian. They were tribal and then went extinct years ago, or so we thought. The confusion about their extinction was the mystery of why there weren't any bodies left behind..."

"Well they're not tribal anymore if they can disappear and then reappear with weapons more advanced enough to take out one of ours. So why did they attack? Territorial?"

"If they had evolved this far, I doubt they would be as savage as a species such as the Klingons. They were peaceful as a tribe, worshipping the water of all things."

"Makes sense to me. They look like fish. But there's a lot of things that still don't make sense..."

Kirks communicator beeps and he answers. "Yeah Scotty?"

"Sir there's some substantial damage down here. It shouldn't take too long to repair but I could use an extra hand or two before we can get her to warp."

"Can we still start heading back to earth?"

"Stay out of warp until I fix her up and she'll be good as new, purring like a kitten, sir."

"Alright I'll send you some hands. Kirk out." Kirk looks up and sees sulu bring us out of the debris. "Chekov set a course for earth, sulu take us there but no warp."

"Aye keptain, but'll take us 4.2 days to get back to earth without warp." Chekov explains.

"Well we'll go in shifts until warp is available. Until then, why don't you take Cassie down to engineering and get started with Scotty. You can retire in 3 hours at 21:00. Both of you are to report to Scotty again in the morning."

"Aye keptain." Chekov gets up from his chair and a woman behind him comes to take his place as they follow his previously planned route. "Shall ve?" And I follow him to the engineering deck.

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