"I don't think I can do this Nash just seeing her just makes me realise how I've lost the best thing to ever happen to me" I hear Cameron say causing me to tear up.

"Dude you need to talk to her" Nash replies.

"I don't think I can" Cameron mutters.

"You need to" Nash tells him as we all sit in the lobby.

"Did you hear what they said" I ask Matthew.

"Yea, you need to instigate talking to him"

"It didn't go well the last time I tried that" I reply.

"Just do it" Matthew says pushing me off the sofa.

"Okay I get the message" I say walking over to Cameron.

"Hey" I say to him awkwardly.

"Hey" he smiles, "can we go somewhere and talk" he asks.

"Sure" I reply following him to a sofa in the corner of the lobby.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to push you away, I shouldn't of blamed you for something you didn't do" he says as soon as I sit down.

"You didn't mean to but you did and you didn't even fight to keep me" I reply.

"I know and I'm sorry, sorry for the pain I caused you, I can't take back what I did but I want to try and make it up to you because id be lying if I said losing you was something I could handle, I will wait as long as it takes to get you back because your the one for me" he tells me tears streaming down his face.

"That's all I needed to hear, that you do care" I smile wiping my tears

"So you forgive me" he asks his face lightening up.

"Yes" I smile kissing him passionately.
"Why didn't you come talk to me sooner" I ask.

"I thought you hated me" he replies.

"I could never hate you, even if I wanted to" I tell him, pecking his lips once again.
"Now let's go join the rest of the guys" I smile taking his hand and walking over to them.

"I told you they'd make up" Taylor says looking smug. "They can't live with out each other"

"I'd hate you if that wasn't true" I laugh sitting next to Cameron on the sofa.

"We gotta tweet this" Taylor shout enthusiastically.

"Tweet what" I laugh at his excitement.

"Urm the fact the Carissa is back" he replies sticking his hand out sassily.

"Your obsession is real" Ava laughs.

"The jealousy is real" Taylor backfires.

"Savagery" Carter shouts throwing his hands in the air.

"What can I say the fans want Carissa and I give the people what they want" he shouts standing up wiping away a fake tear.

"And that's behind the scenes of Magcon tour" Shawn smiles into a camera.

"How long were you recording" I ask between breaths of laughter.

"Since you and Cameron sat down" he replies.
"But Taylor made me do it" he shouts throwing his hands up in defence.

"Chill" I laugh.
"Taylor why" I shake my head.

"It's a hobby" he winks flicking nonexistent hair off his shoulder before turning on his heels walking away.

"Where are you even going" Shawn shouts.

"It's for emphasis idiot" he scoffs causing all of us to burst into laughter as Shawn acts hurt laying in Ava's lap.

"Your not upset you just wanna get up close and personal with Ava" I smile wiggling my eyebrows up and down.

"Yea I know" he smirks making Ava blush.

"Marissa, Shawn shame on you and your corrupted minds" Johnson shakes his head covering Ava.

"If you freaks are ready we can go to our rooms now" Taylor announces still in full sass mode.

"How I love sassy Taylor" I smile standing up to find out which room is mine.

"Okay Ava and Marissa room 14, Aaron and the Jacks room 16,
Cameron, Nash and Hayes room 17,
Taylor, Carter and Matthew room 18." Bart smiles handing us all our key.

"Told you it would all work out" Matthew smiles pulling me to the side.

"Yea you did" I smile.

"So what did he say to win you over" Matt asks.

"He apologised and said he can't live without me and if I don't forgive him he will wait for me because I'm the only one for him" I smile remembering how he made me feel.

"Okay you two are literally so cute, the definition of goals" Matthew gleams nudging me.

"Shut up" I blush pushing him.

"Your blushing" he shouts pointing at me.

"No I'm not" I yell hiding my face and running inside my room.

"Hey" Cameron says entering my room.

"Hey have you got no manners, knock I could of been indecent" I pout.

"Yea that's what I was hoping" he smirks.

"How dare you" I gasp turning my back to him causing him to push me on to the bed.
"Rude" I pout.

"I could do worse" he smirks.

"Get out" I laugh pointing towards the door.

"Yea like you can get rid of me that easily, now I was thinking when we go on break from tour you could come home with me and meet my family" Cameron smiles.

"Really" I ask.

"Really" he laughs.

"Id love to" I gleam excitedly.

"Okay good cause I already told them your coming" he smiles getting up,
"We're all meeting in the lobby I'm 5" he informs me walking off.
Wow I'm going to meet Cameron's family I can wait. But what if they don't like me....

Authors note:
Comment what you think and any ideas you have and I might include them, vote!!

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