Chapter 5

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I could smell bacon as I slipped out of dream land, who would not get up to the smell of that? I could hear footsteps and voices talking it was Dark and Anti.

"why are you being nice to her Anti? We are fucking demons that's not what we do"

"you don't think I know that Dark? Might as well be a little nice to her so she don't break your nose again" I could hear Anti laughing.

" she did worse to you, like I said I could hear what was going on yesterday, she wore you out"

" ya I guess she did" they both were laughing now.

"well I better get back up there and lock the door before she ties to get out" I could hear footsteps going up the staircase, guess it was Dark since Anti only bothered with me. I rolled on my side to face him, I saw a table with the bacon that got me up along with eggs, toast, and pancakes.

"oh Anti you shouldn't have gone though the trouble for little old me" I said trying to sound more like an ass, and I think I got it across because his smile went away.

"oh what miss tough girl isn't going to try and kick my ass and escape this time" he said with the same tone in his voice as me.

" I could hear you and Dark talking, if I wanted to I would have then" I said as I started to get up and walk over to sit in the chair and dig in." I didnt think I would be a handful for not just one but two demons to handle since you two are taking precautions cuz of me" I said as I ate some bacon.

" don't get sassy now" he then slammed what looked like my phone on the table.

"wow, are demons really that dumb?"

"what did I just say about the fucking sass, the sim card is out and we don't have wifi" he said being angry as well as his eyes glowing a little.

"Anti I'm not scared of you so nock off the act" I tuck a drink of lemonade and continued "why would you give me my phone though?"

"well I know how you would go insane without music, so I brought it for you" he looked at the wall.

"stalker much" I said with a chuckle as I moved to the pancakes they were chocolate chip. He laughed as well, then he looked at me as if he was about to hit me.

"your staying here forever as my own, Dark with not bother with you, you are mine and only mine and when you become combatable with that you will no longer need to stay down here" I set my fork down and looked him in the eyes.

"I am not your anything you pulled me off the street, why would I care for you after that, your a demon as well as a made up character that should not exist, love don't happen over night after you punch her a few times" I glared at him as I put another piece of bacon in my mouth.

"I want you to not fight me on this, but if you do I will make it painful. You'll never see your boyfriend again, I am your everything from here on out" he said with a growl as he got up and headed up the stairs.

"I will never love you till you give me a reason too, and even then it will take time" he stopped as i said that then continued out.

"well at least he knows how to cook" I said as I continued to eat, then I went to the little bathroom that was down here and I listened to some music to help me forget about all this.

I'm not fucking scared of you (antisepticeye x reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz