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You and Leo were at the one of those cliffs that you jump off into the water. You already knew it was freezing cold so you just sat on the edge. Leo said he was going to jump in. He ran back but right before he jump he grabbed you by your waist. You yelped as your (H/L) hair flew everywhere. Leo smiled at you and kissed you as you both crash into the water. When you both resurfaced you were shivering. "Oh my god it's so cold!" You swan to the shore. "How are you in there?! It's freezing!" Leo just rolled his eyes. "Oh yeah." You went back into the water. "Well I'm cold." Leo rolled his eyes again. "I'm not." You went to leave the water again but Leo followed you he wrapped his arms around your waist. "Do you wanna go home?" You leaned into his embrace. "You said you wanted to go out so maybe we could stop so we could change." You said looking at his face. "Ok."

Leo x Reader Imagines 2 Where stories live. Discover now