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You looked for a specific house, hugging your wet pajamas while your sopping slippers made no sound as they hit the ground and your hair stuck to your face. You walked up the steps, took a deep breath, and knocked on the door. It opened and you saw Jason standing there. "(Y/N)? What are you doing here? Why are you wet? Are you wearing slippers?" He asked. "One question at a time please." You stated, scratching your arm. "Ok, what are you doing here?" You were about to answer when Piper yelled. "Who are you talking to? It's 11:00." You heard. "It's (Y/N)." He told her. Piper walked over. "Hi, what's up?" You played with the sleeve of your pajamas. "Me and Leo got into a fight and he yelled at me and told me to leave." You looked up at them as Piper pulled you into a hug. "Piper, what are you doing? You're gonna get wet." She didn't let go. "I don't care, you're going through emotional trauma right now." Jason rolled his eyes. "I'm ok, I just had no where to go so I walked 3 miles to get here." They just stared at you. "Why didn't you call a taxi?" Jason asked. "Well Leo told me to leave and I didn't even have time to grab my shoes, much less money for a taxi. Now I hate to be rude but I'm cold and wet and it's windy out here." Piper pulled you in the house while Jason grabbed you a towel. "So what happened?" Piper asked. Well, my job offered me a new position but it's in Australia.
I didn't want to go but I also did, I mean it's Australia, but I told my boss I'd think about it. So I told Leo and we talked about it for a little, I decided I didn't want to go and I was about to tell Leo but he said that he forbid me to go." Jason sucked in a breath. "That turned into a fight then finally he yelled at me and told me to get out, so I left." Piper pulled you into another hug.

The next day

Jason's phone rang and he heard Leo's ringtone. "Hey- do you know where (Y/N) is?" Leo asked in a distressed voice. "Yeah, why?" Jason heard Leo sigh. "Yesterday I was being an idiot and we got into a fight so I yelled and told her to leave but she didn't take anything so I can't call her and I looked at Percy and Annabeth's house and she's not there, same thing at Frank and Hazel's and now I'm at your house and you aren't home and I'm really scared because if someone happened to her it would be my fault!" Jason turned the volume done on his phone since people were staring. "Leo, just knock on the door." There was a pause. "What?" "You trust me right?" "Yeah." "So knock." Jason hung up before Leo could protest. Leo knocked on the door and heard foot steps. When you opened the door he gave you a bone crushing. "I'm so sorry, I was being an idiot and I never should told you that you couldn't go I would just miss you so much and you left and I got so scared when you didn't come back and I looked for you and I put you out in the rain and I'm so sorry." You hugged him back. "It's ok." You said. "No it's not!" You pulled away, still holding his shoulders. You wiped some tears away from his face. "Yes it is. I forgive you. I can't imagine living without you either." He pulled you into another hug. You rubbed circles on his back. "It's ok, I'm ok, we're ok, ok?" Leo nodded. "But you owe me new slippers."

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