
351 8 2

I was tagged by Like2BeMe
1.Favorite pair of shoes?
I have this soft paid of black flats and I wear them all the time.
2.What color are you wearing right now?
I'm wearing a purple SPQR shirt and black shorts.
3.If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?
At subway, I want a sandwich.
4.A goal you want to accomplish?
I don't have any big goals, I just wanna get through the school year.
5.Embarrassing moment?
I was in school, this past school year, and they separate the boys and girls and I slipped right in the middle of the cafeteria...
6.Last person you texted?
My friend, not my mom this time.
7.Describe yourself with a movie or to show name.
Idk, I'll have to think about that.
8.What would you do if you were invisible?
I'd just stand behind people and yell.
9.Something you say that is unusual?
Every word that comes out my mouth is unusual.
10.Favorite joke?
It's kinda mean: Why did the chicken cross the road?: To get to the idiots house.
Knock knock
Who's there?
The chicken.
11.What do you do if an anonymous caller calls you?
Since I'm you do I just don't answer,
12.Least favorite color?
13.If you had three wishes what would you wish for or why?
I'd wish my mom wasn't allergic to fur, I'd wish for a dog, and I'd wish for some subway. Like I said I'm hungry. I guess that was a waste of wishes.

1.Do you have a pet?
2.What was your favorite age so far?
3.What book are you currently reading (not this second)?
4.Favorite show?
5.Do you like clowns?
6.Favorite color?
7.Books or Television?
8.Do you have a phone?
9.Favorite food?
10.Favorite dog breed?
11.Do you like accents?( I absolutely love accents, especially British accents)
12.What is your hair color?
13.Do you like bubblegum?

I don't know how many people I have to tag...

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