Truth or Dare

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Connor and Travis had convinced you, the seven, and Nico to play truth or dare. Nico was only playing to make sure nobody did anything too terrible to Hazel. Connor insisted he would go first. "Jason, truth or dare?" Jason thought for a second. "Dare." Connor smiled. "I dare you to let the person to your left, so (Y/N), draw on your face with a pen." You smiled. "Does anyone have a pen?" Percy handed you riptide (in pen form of course). "(Y/N), if you draw anything dirty I will kill you." You smirked. "No you won't." You drew a mustache and a weird pair of glasses on his face. "(Y/N), truth or dare?" Jason asked. "Truth." He sighed. "Fine, whats the stupidest thing you've ever done?" You thought for a second. "I borrowed Annabeth's book without asking. She broke my arm." Annabeth smiled. "I remember that." You guys played some more and by the end of the game Percy had blue hair and Nico had yelled at Connor multiple times. "(Y/N), truth or dare?" Percy asked. "Dare." You smiled. "I dare you to tell me who you're crush is." You smile vanished as you walked over to Percy and whispered Leo's name in his ear. "You like Leo?!" Your eyes widened. "What was the point of whispering?" You sat back down avoiding everyone's gaze. "You like me?" You glanced up at Leo. "Possibly." He raised an eyebrow at you. "Yes you do you just told me." You glared at Percy. "I hate you right now." Percy just shrugged as Leo grabbed your hand and ran out the cabin. He was a few feet away when he stopped. "Ireallylikeyoutoodoyouwanttobemygirlfriend?" You just stared at him. "Say that again, but say it slowly this time." He took hold of your shoulders. "I. Really. Like. You. Too. Do. You. Want. To. Be. My. Girlfriend?" You rolled your eyes. "Not that slow, and yes, I would like to be your girlfriend."

Sorry, I know this was kinda late but I had company yesterday and I wasn't home today so I only had like five minutes to go on wattpad until now.

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