Staying at Camp

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"Alright mom, I'll see you." You hugged her as she gave you the letter to give the centaur. Leo stood awkwardly behind you. "Well? Lead the way." You demanded. He started walking stopping so you could catch up after gaping at everything. Finally you made it to the main building and Leo held the door open for you. "Thanks." You said. "A pretty girl like you shouldn't have to open the door." He smiled and you punched him in the shoulder. "I am capable of open a door thank you very much." You crossed your arms as Leo grabbed the spot where you hit him. "Irritating the new camper already, Leo?" You turned you head and saw the centaur that was mentioned. You handed him the letter. "What's this?" He asked. "I don't know, my mom told me to give it to the centaur, and I'm assuming she meant you." You shrugged and he nodded. He read the letter, you could see the distress on his face but he quickly covered it up. "Ok well you can go to the Hermes cabin. Leo, introduce her to Connor and Travis." Leo nodded. He pulled you out by you arm. He stopped to say something to you. Leo paused and stared at you. You shifted uncomfortably. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." Leo grabbed your arm and took you back to Chiron. Leo whispered something in his ear. "Oh, well take her to the Poseidon cabin and introduce her to Percy."

Sup peoples. I have a concert today but I threw this together.

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