Chapter 10

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"This is totally awesome, but totally dangerous!" I squealed jumping out of the car and running over to the building where Steve was going to be doing his stunt. Most of the crew was already there and were setting up.

"Haha, don't worry I have practiced it zero times so I'm like a professional" Steve said sarcastically.

"Shut up!" I said punching his arm " I don't wanna see you die!"

"Yeah that wouldn't be good, a good story in Big Brother though!" Steve laughed.

I shook my head "You really do live for that magazine, don't you?"

"Hell yeah! This stunt is totally gunna blow them away!" Steve said wide eyes.

"You have to come out of it alive though!" I said jumping on his back. Steve just laughed as he pulled me up and gave me a piggy back over to the crew.

"I know! I know!" He laughed.


Steve balanced on his stilts and blew a massive fire ball as a skateboarder jumped of the roof of the house over him and a unicylist rode between his legs. Steve's costume burst into flames and he fell off the stilts and onto a safety mat. Everyone was clapping and cheering. Once Steve had been put out I ran up to him to make sure he was okay. Luckily he was fine and just wanted to make sure the shot was good.

While Steve was talking to the skateboarder I was just wandering around checking out all of the equipment. I could imagine the look on Bam's face if he could see all the stuff the had here. He would love to use one of these cameras.

"Pretty cool, right?" Someone said from behind me.

"Huh?" I said turning around.

"All this kit, it's pretty cool" said a tall, tanned guy with rough stubble and messy short dark hair.

"Uh yeah, I guess so" I replied.

"Johnny Knoxville" he said extending his arm out to me.

"Tessa Margera" I said taking his hand and shaking it.

"Pleasure to meet you miss Margera" he beamed.

"And you mr Knoxville, so how do you know Steve?" I asked.

"Oh I don't, I'm with the editor of Big Brother mag, Jeff." He said fiddling with his hands.

"Oh right, that's sounds fun" I laughed.

"Not always, he likes his jokes," he chuckled. "How do you know Steve-O?"

"He is one of my best friends" I smiled.

"That's sweet, do you live around here then?" He asked.

"No, I live in west Chester, with my parents and brother, Bam. Well, I practically live with all of his friends to, at least one of them is always there. I am close with them though, we do some short films together called CKY, were we do shitty stunts and Bam and I Skateboard." I said.

"Wow, so what's Bam like then?" Johnny asked, he seemed very interested.

"He skates with Element and loves doing stupid shit on camera a bit like Steve really" I said.

"I would like you to meet someone" Johnny said taking my hand and dragging me back towards the crew.

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