Chapter 5

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After what felt like the longest car journey of my life I had arrived at my hotel. I literally crashed on the bed as soon as my eyes met it. Tomorrow was going to be a big day.


I woke up half an hour before I needed to be at the ship. Frantically, I put on black shorts and my purple HIM jumper and my purple high top converse. Luckily my job required some kind if uniform or costume that I would be getting when I arrived so I didn't really need to make an effort in my appearance before I got there. I finished my make up and straightened my hair with no time to spare. I grabbed my bags and checked out as soon as I could and drove to the ship.

It took me ages to find the person I needed to meet who was in charge of the entertainment. Her name was Madame Aubrey. She was short and had her brown hair in a tight bun that sat low on her head and a stern frown was plastered across her face. She was wearing a tight brown skirt and a white blouse. To be honest she looked really scary.

"Err hi, I'm Tessa Margera, it's my first cruise doing acrobatics and entertainment" I said timidly offering my hand.

She lightly shook it and gestured for me to follow her.

"Right well, I will let you introduce your self to the others and I will get your costume" she said while pushing a door open for me and leading me inside. I was rather surprised when she actually started to be nice to me. Goes to show that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. "Won't be long" she said before giving me a smile and leaving.

I walked awkwardly through the what looked like back stage area. There where costumes strewn everywhere and large mirrors practically in every direction. A few people where putting make up on or doing hair but I couldn't really see anyone who looked friendly enough to talk to.

Suddenly, a hand grabbed my shoulder, causing me to spin around with my fist ready to punch.

"Woah there! Didn't mean to make you jump! Your the new girl right?" A lanky man taller than me with short hair and a childish grin said way too enthusiastically to me. I just nodded. "Cool! I'm Steve-O but you can call me Steve." He said bringing me in for a hug. Well, this was awkward. I eventually broke away from the hug.

"I'm Tessa Margera" I introduced myself hoping that he wasn't going to hug me again.

"Awesome name!" Steve-O said putting his thumbs up to me and winking.

Oh dear, he was just another cocky surfer boy. Best to let this drop.

"Hey Steve-O, it was lovely meeting you but I need to go and find Madame Aubrey" I said edging away from him.

"Oh okay, that's Cool, see you around!" He said said slightly disappointed. But it was for the best.

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