Chapter 3

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We arrived at our local shopping mall and started to walk around. "Where do you guys want to go first?" I asked.

"Anywheres good" Ryan replied.

"Bam?" I said nudging him. He had gone really quiet all of a sudden

"Where ever you want, sis" he said, shoving his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

"What is Bam?" I said looking over at Dunn who now had the same expression as Bam on his face. "What? Do you guys not want to go shopping now? We can go home if you want!" I said.

"No, it's just that you're going away!" Bam said sadly.

"It's only for a few months you soppy shit!" I laughed.

Bam laughed a bit too but still looked sad. "We don't like you going away, Tess!" Dunn shouted then clung onto my leg like a toddler.

"Good idea, Dunn now she can't go anywhere!" Bam cried before grabbing hold of my other leg.

"You know, I would really love To be around some normal people sometimes" I said to myself.

"Oh you love it really!" Dunn said looking up at me.

"Too right I do, guys I'm gunna miss you too, but I am only going for a few months and nothing more, you know that I can't stay away from the madness for too long." I admitted.

"Who would have guessed that my little sister would actually be joining the circus for a while!" Bam laughed as I helped him off the floor.

"Well kinda, I will be an entertainer on a cruise ship, not a clown in a big tent, you know that clowns freak me out." I said as we walked into Hot Topic.


I finished packing my bag as I was leaving tomorrow, some of the CKY guys came down to wish me luck but quickly left because they were throwing the clothes I packed in my suitcase and I threatened to beat them up. The perks of being a kick boxing and roller derby champion.

I was so excited for my new job. I applied ages ago because I was really into acrobatics and entertainment. Then I got the call about a month ago saying that they wanted me in their next cruise. Obviously I jumped at the opportunity and started practicing straight away.

I just really wanted to do something independent for once instead of being with the CKY guys. I mean I loved doing the videos and all, but I thought that if I gave my self a little Holliday I could come back with some fresh ideas.

"Tess?" Bam shouted up the stairs.

"Bam?" I shouted back.

"Wanna go and skate for a bit before you go?" He asked.

"YASSS!" I shouted, grabbed my board and ran down the stairs.

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