Chapter 21 - Blacked Out

Start from the beginning

"I was in love with Summer..."

Yang got off the railing as her eyes widen from the information.

"You are basically in the situation that I was in back then. Let me guess... You love someone but was or is too afraid to admit it. You later realized when you started to see this person with someone else a lot. It started to hurt and you kept telling yourself that it wasn't love but then you couldn't find the excuse of what it could be if it wasn't. You got angry and started to push people away even those important to you because you realized you were hurting those that were trying to help. I can't really say the rest because you haven't gotten that far yet"

Yang's eyes widened even more as she started to slowly move back a bit from shock and a bit of horror.

"You have to listen to what your heart tells you. You can't lie to yourself anymore Yang. You know why?"

She looked down towards the right a little looking away as if she was thinking of the answer.

"Because the heart wants what it wants" he simply says giving a soft smile.

"It never lies about what it wants, Yang. And your heart is telling you that it wants Blake"

She quickly looked back at him.

"Wha- ho- how do you know all of this?! How do you know her name?!" her confusion and anger slowly rising.

"Well, Winter-"

Yang rolled her eyes and huffed.

"What is it with you and Ruby with the Schnee's"

"Hey, Winter helped me moved on and as for Ruby she basically had a crush on Weiss since you guys were kids. Even though you dated Weiss for a bit-"

"Hey! I seriously didn't know she had a crush on Weiss! You know I am not good with those kinds of hints!" she sighed in frustration.

"Besides... I only dated her to prove how much of a player I was going to be. Plus... She was hot.... " she blushed a bit as she looked away.

"Was?" he raised a brow.

"I mean she still is!" Yang growled.

"I'm just messing with you kid" he chuckled.

"But like I was saying... Winter told me because Weiss told her about the situation. So, who is Blake? How was she able to tame you?"

She rolled her eyes again.

"Blake... Is a girl... A faunus too... She has black hair, cat ears, and amber eyes... " she smiled but it wasn't just a smile. It was the kind of smile that someone would make when they thought of the person that meant everything to them.

God those eyes... She's just so...

"She's amazing... " she made a smile along with a snicker like sound.

But she quickly shook her head as she realized what she said and did. She coughed.

"Ehem... Uh yeah she's a girl... Just a girl..."

Qrow suddenly burst out in laughter.

Yang looked at him in confusion and a bit of frustration. Wondering why he was laughing when they were having such a serious conversation.

"What?" she pouted.

He took a big breath of air to recover from his laughter.

"You're in love kid! Crazy in love! %100 in love! You're pussy whipped! ALL THE DEFINITIONS OF LOVE AND TAMED!" he began to snicker.

"So what if I am?!" She snapped back.

"It doesn't matter anyway..."

Qrow shook his head, grinning.

"Come on kid I know what you need right now"

Qrow walked back into the beach house. Yang followed as she rolled her eyes once again, curious. She sat on the couch as Qrow set down two glasses of whiskey. He picked up the other glass as he gestured to her to pick up the other.

"Bottoms up" he simply said.

Yang looked at Qrow confused but drank it anyway, he smiled.

He looked at her as his smile slowly went away into a look that looked a bit of guilt.

"I'm sorry..."

"What do you-"

All of a sudden Yang's vision became blurry and her eyelids felt heavy. She began to sway a bit as she fell on her side on the couch.

Qrow finished his drink and set the glass down, he got up.

"You'll thank me later kiddo, trust me"


Before Yang knew it she closed her eyes and had Blacked Out. 


Hoped you guys enjoyed this chapter! Sorry for the late update! Like I said in the previous chapters I am working! But not only am I working I now have school :( 

So, updates may be a little longer since I am extrememly tired to write. Don't worry though I plan on working on the chapters during lunch and study hall! That way I can get some writing time! 

Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed! 

Oh! One more thing! 

I will try to atleast post a chapter once a week on a Friday. If nothiing is posted on those days then that means that I am either busy or wasn't able to finish it on time. 

And also! 

I am still trying to pick a song for the opening and I am down to a couple choices. If anyone recommends a song let me know! 

Have a good day! ^_^

Reviews and Comments greatly appreciated :) 

Estimated Release for Chapter 22: Sept. 18th (Or later) 

~ Pika 

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