04. Let The Games Begin ||

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Dedications to loner_1

Present time.


DARKONES; Organised for Kristina To Be Blinded - reasons explained later - hunting her for mystery reason.

OTHERWORLDERS; Simple, supernatural creatures/ beings

Kristina is Kris


The Blind Runaway || Chapter Four || Let The Games Begin ||

"Jasper fucking Reed if you don't answer my question right now I swear you won't have a mouth to talk with" Kris threatened hold her arm against his throat, and the bastard had the guts to laugh.

'You won't kill me you need me to much" he gasped through shorten breathes.

She hated to admit it but it was true, she needed him just as much as he needed her. He was her source of information, and she - when he needed it - was his protection.

Jasper was a lanky and had no muscles but had brains like no other. They were under his basement, yes under it. Jasper had begun built it when he was thirteen and finished when he was seventeen. The room had multiple traps and tunnel going both in and out. Jasper lived by himself since his mother die and his drunken father left him when he was sixteen.

Kris turn around to slam right into a table... He had moved the furniture again Jasper loved doing that to her just to see her anger although he was muscle-less he could run and he had a advantage with her not knowing where everything was placed.

Jasper and Kris had meet when she had saved his arse from a group of DarkOnes that had been after her, she had been fourteen and passing through when she heard his girly screams. That had been six years ago.

Kris was twenty now, and had made a name for herself. Well not really a name more like a reputation. She was killing of the DarkOnes they were reason she had to hid under a cloak everyday since was five. They were the ones who made her parents think she was a monster, now it was there turn to pay.

All she had with her was a few changes of clothes and her weapons. Mostly knives. Less one sense hadn't affected her training either, she learned to strengthen her sense beyond what any other of my kind had ever done before. If she hadn't she would have been dead a hundred times over, there was many dangers in the world that she had been oblivious to before leaving the protection of the pack. With Thomas and Gray's training she was able to hunt and survive... she missed them.

Using a new talent she had learned of an old blind fae she clicked her tongue her listen to the vibrations. By the soundwaves Kris could tell where, how far and large the object in her way was.

Using speed she had gained by killing a already riding elder vampire she bolted to where Jasper was, not hitting a single piece of furniture and held him up by his head.

She remembered when she had gained that talent.

// Kris hadn't eat in a full meal in a month, life was harder then she ever thought it would be. By the gods she had been so bloody naïve, thinking the world was all rainbow and sunshine what a rude awakening she had gotten.

She listen for and sounds of life there didn't seemed to be in this deserted part of the small city she couldn't for the life of her remember the name of. It was well past midnight when she came upon another living soul... well the soul was living though the body wasn't... vampire. Kris had dealed with a lot of OtherWorlders - (supernatural beings) - it her three years of running vampires were deadly and you were unlikely to make it out alive if they were... peckish.

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