03. Vanished In The Night

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Dedication to @Kyliefer go read her books their good


Deadly Darkness || Chapter Three || Vanished In The Night.

Kristina six years old.

Kristina had done nothing but await her death for the last year but she wouldn't go along with that any longer she had to make her move.

The last year she had spent learning th basic she would need to survive with her disability, such as read, writing and how to not run into walls.

It had been no easy feat after living five whole years with her sight and then for it to suddenly disappear was definitely a shock to the system.

With the cloak around her head she walked to where she  knew her guards and she suppose only friends were; the guard's kitchen and small dinnering room. Kristina stepped through and like any other time she enter a room it went silent, even if it had been a year everyone was still unsure how to act around her. She was such a petite person so with the cloak around her it made people drawn to her, wondering what lay below.

"Thomas, Gray I believe it is your shifts and want to go outside you may bring your food" she said in a emotionlessly and neutral voice before turning around and trekking out of the room without seeing if they were following her, they always did.

She cared for them she truly did but she didn't want anyone to know so she made everyone think that she only tolerate them, everything and anyone she cared about always got hurt she just wasn't willing to risk it.

Kristina led them into the Deathly Maze - a man's body had been found just a week previously - she knew it like the back of her hand. Thomas and Gray trusted her enough that if they stayed with her they wouldn't get lost or worse... killed.

Once seated on the rather large stone bench which was covered in mold and winding leaves she proceeded to ask "I what you both to train me, I trust you both more then anybody in this very castle, I trust you with my life. And I trust you will not break what is given to you. Will you?" She said staring unseeingly straight into their eyes.

Both the guards were shocked beyond belief, they had never thought that they would have gained the princess' fragile trust. She was so closed off and nobody could get a read on her, she was a mystery no one could solve and for her to trust them was mind-blowing.

Without really think it through they both answer a firm "yes".

That's when her training had begun.

Eight years old.

Kristina had found the secret passage ways through the castle when she had accidentally walked into a wall when she heard her parents coming and she had tried to run.

She felt around her she seemed to be in a tight tunnel it was barely wide enough to fit her small body in, Kristina could feel the cobwebs she ran into when ever she moved it had obviously not been used in a long time, perhaps it was even forgotten.

"They called again he wants to know how she is doing," her mother, Queen Annabell's said from what appeared to the room next to her, by the other foot steps she could tell it was her father accompanying her.

"Peter and Riley" Kristina's other guards "have reported that she has been doing nothing but sitting out in the gardens and reading in the library" they stop in front of the doors to her fathers study just to the right of where Kristina was. They walked in and sat down in what Kristina had always thought was a soundproof room.

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