Work was, well... work. There was nothing exciting about it, especially since I worked at a call center. You had to have some serious nerve to work at a call center. Everyone with a phone hates people who work at call centers. I know how annoying it is when you get an unknown number asking you if you want to take some random survey. No one want to take these surveys excepts old ladies who have nothing else to do, and their children haven't gone to visit them in years. Even they sometimes curse at you for wasting their time.

Just the other day some old lady yelled at me, telling me that she was going to lunch with her boyfriend. She must have been like 70 and it was only 11 am.

I walked into the tiny building that only had 10 employees in total. It smelled like plastic in here like all the time, and coffee which made me feel sick sometimes.

"Good morning, Kellin." I heard, immediately. Cassie then walked up to me. Cassie was tiny and had short hair, like in a pixie. He liked to wear flowing dresses and she smelled like lavender.

"I bought you a coffee," She spoke.

"Thank you," I wasn't going to drink it, I would just give it to my kind of friend and cubical buddy Gabe. Gabe loved coffee, in fact, I'm pretty sure it's the reason he is alive. I don't think he ever sleeps. Sometimes he calls me in the middle of the night to tell me about something his dog did. He was kind of a lonely guy so I never hung up on him. I wouldn't talk back, but I would just hold the phone to my ear and say things like 'mmm' and 'really?' just so he knew I was listening.

"Sure," She smiled, softly. Cassie liked me, and I wasn't just saying that because she bought me coffee and was nice to me, I knew Cassie had a crush on me because she asks me out on dates and questions if I'm currently seeing anyone. I always told her no, to both questions. I just wasn't interested in her. She was the kind of girl who said 'omg' instead of 'oh, my god' and I didn't appreciate that. Also, she was a girl.

I took the coffee and went to my cubical where Gabe already was. Gabe was a pretty, dirty blonde with these sort of blueish-green eyes that you could get lost in. As you can see, I am incredibly gay, unfortunately, Gabe is very...not.

I left the coffee on his desk while passing to get to my own desk. "Cassie coffee?" He asked because I did this often. We wouldn't have this problem if she would just stop buying me coffee...well, I guess it wasn't really a problem for Gabe, he got free coffee out of it.

I sat at my desk, making it a point to spin the chair because I could be such a child at times.

"Why don't you just give her a chance?" He asked. I spun the chair again so that I could face Gabe. I gave him a look like, 'you're kidding, right?' He knew exactly why I would never 'give her a chance'.

"I like Cassie," He shrugged.

"Oh, my god, why?" I questioned. Gabe could do so much better than a girl who says 'like' too much and says 'literally' when it in fact is not literal. Or maybe Gabe couldn't do better and I just thought that because I had some sort of crush on him.

"She's nice." He explained and yeah, I guess that was a valid reason.


From 11 to 6 I called random numbers and asked them if they would like to take a survey. I had no idea what the surveys were until I was actively asking the questions. I only got yelled at by 3 people today. I guess there was something about Sunday's that made people friendlier. Maybe because it was God's day, or maybe it was because most people didn't even bother answering their phone when I called.

"Hey, Kellin, you wanna come over for a beer? We can watch the game?" Gabe asked at the end of our shift.

By 'the game' he meant the football game. I actually genuinely enjoyed watching American football. Growing up, I used to watch it every Sunday with my grandpa. My grandpa used to say things like, 'real men watch football' and 'real men don't go to church'. My grandparents were atheist, which I thought was pretty cool. After being with them long enough, I became Atheist too.

We're So Human (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now