Entwined destiny

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"When does she left?" I returned the letter and she put it back in her purse.

"I got this letter fifteen minutes ago" she sniffed and I rubbed her hands gently.

"Everything will be fine Ma'am. I will bring her back" Her eyes were full of hope and gratitude. I rushed towards the garage and started my car.

Author's POV

"Mahin, Don't make it difficult for me. You know how I feel for you. You are my best friend and more like my brother. I...I just can't think like that" Her almond color eyes looked sad because she knows that her rejection can ruin the revival chances of her best friend business.

"Susie, I am so sorry. I have been blinded by my needs, I have put shame on our relation" his gripped the steering wheel harder. How he could use her condition to get money from his highness. She is not having suitors right now doesn't mean that she won't get any. She is beautiful, kind, lovely everything a man can dream for a wife and she really deserve a loving husband not like him whose heart has died with the woman he loved and married.

He, the great textile icon Mahindra Mehta, son of Niranjan Mehta who has ruled the textile business for decades in this foreign country has brought his business to ground with his negligence after his wife demise. His father soul will never forgive him, not just because he has ruined his business but also because he put a marriage proposal for Susie, in front of his highness in hope of getting dowry. How shallow he has become?

"Nahi (No) Mahin, please don't say like that." She put her hand on his right shoulder and he let her warmth comforted him.

"Listen, I have some diamonds, rubies and other precious stones. You can take them and get a loan against them" His gaze fell on her lifeless eye and anger boiled inside him for Pratap. How that evil man has destroyed her beautiful eye.

"No Susie, I will look for some other way. let's go now, it is getting late" He started the engine and about to bring his car to the main road when another car has zoomed past him.

"What a reckless driver? We could have been killed if I have not stopped" He muttered curses under his breath.

"Mahin, dhyan se dekho to jara (Look closely). Isn't it Rosie's car" He squinted his honey colored eyes and nodded in agreement.

"But Rosie never drives like that. What could be the reason?" Same question popped in his mind and he raced his car in Rosie's direction.

"Mahin, Why is she going towards Thames and at this hour?" he sensed a panic in her voice and he increased the speed. What could have made their friend drive madly in late evening. The weather is also not looking good, every thought flied out of his mind and only Rosie safety mattered at that moment for them.

After driving for few more minutes, they reached the end of road near Thames. Rosie's car was parked at some distance, door of driver's side was opened ajar. They panicked and ran towards it but she was not there.

"Mahin, Where is Rosie?" Susie was on verge of crying. They looked around but the darkness has already settled over Thames. Wind has started howling indicating a storm and also brought the stench of garbage floating on the river water.

"ROSIE...ROSIE" Susie has shouted almost in every direction but didn't get any reply.

"Susie, look over there." fluttering of fabric and movement against the darkness has caught their attention and they stormed towards the shadow.

They ran as fast as they could, stumbling over the garbage sometimes but they managed to reach the spot where they have seen the shadow. They have reached the river bank because the smell of dirty water was unbearable.

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