iv. chocolate chip cookies

Start from the beginning

Haven narrowed her eyes at him, abandoning her spooning of the mixture she was doing before. "Ha ha. You're hilarious, Embry."

"I thought so," Embry mumbled with a cookie half hanging out his mouth.

Seth, Paul and Quil were the next batch of boys through the ever revolving door of Emily's home. They seemed to also be laughing about something but that seemed to be a common theme between the shapeshifters – they were a family and got along like brothers.

Seth let out a hum of appreciation at the smell of baking that wafted throughout the home. "Are those chocolate chip?"

Emily nodded towards the boy but he had already seen for himself and almost dived to grab a few of the cookies on the plate. Quil had followed in suit.

Paul however raised an eyebrow at seeing Haven standing in the kitchen. He hadn't seen the girl since before the wedding situation and he wouldn't be Paul if he didn't have something to say about it. "Fancy seeing you here, thought you would be too busy making scenes at weddings to come and see us."

Haven rolled her eyes at Paul's words. "I didn't make a scene, only a few people heard me. Get your facts straight."

"I'm just joking," Paul came to stand beside Haven, squeezing her shoulder with one hand while his other reached for a warm cookie on the plate. "Glad you told him where to stick his opinion, someone had to do it."

Emily had to have some kind of super sense to notice that Embry was sneaking his hand around to try and grab another cookie from the plate. The older woman slapped his hand instantly with a scolding look in his direction. "Don't eat all of them before Sam and Jake come back."

Haven swore she saw Embry pout slightly. The amount of wolves in the kitchen now was ridiculous, it was not made for seven people to be in and Emily quickly realized this. "Alright, everyone there are a million seats in the living room. Move on."

"But I want more dirt on what happened at the wedding," Jared interrupted, a small smirk plastered on his face as he looked in Haven's direction. "Paul and I were the only ones not there and no one will tell us shit."

"Shouldn't have been slacking off then," Quil mumbled, getting a punch in the shoulder from Jared beside him.

Seth sent a sorrowful glance Haven's way as he could see her face fall slightly at the mention of her outburst at the wedding. He could tell it hurt her and that in turn hurt him, he didn't like seeing her upset. "Back off, Jared. She doesn't have to tell you anything."

"Exactly," Emily agreed with the youngest Clearwater, although she was slightly wounded again because Leah hadn't come back in from patrolling. She barely stepped foot in Emily's house and when she did not a word was spoken. "Now move into the living room and discuss some vampire business there."

Paul scoffed at the mother-like figure to all the wolves. "We don't only talk about vampires you know."

Embry cringed slightly. "It's actually kind of an accurate guess at we talk about."

Quil reluctantly let out a noise of approval, it was really what they talked about mostly. It was their main goal to keep people safe from the creatures so it wasn't exactly a bad thing that it was their main conversation point.

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