
Frank eventually felt the need to leave. He didn't want to leave Gerard or anything, he just needed to get back home. He probably didn't HAVE to go back... But he was going to anyway.

"Gerard... I gotta go" Frank stood up

"You don't have to..." Gerard insisted

"No, you're right. But I probably should. I'm sorry, I'll text you when I get home. I swear." Frank wiped off his face and opened the front door.

"Well... Okay. Goodbye, Frank. I love you." Gerard waved

"I love you too." Frank closed the door behind himself and got in his car. The short, but boring drive home finally passed, and he went into his bedroom, shutting the door behind himself once more.


Frnkie is typing...

Frnkie: Hi Gerard

Geesus: Hey

Frnkie: I'm sorry :(

Geesus: Why are you sorry?

Frnkie: I had to leave you so soon

Geesus: Oh

Geesus: It's okay.

Frnkie: Promise?

Geesus: Promise.

Frnkie: :)

Geesus: So how are you?

Frnkie: Great.

Frnkie: How are you?

Geesus: Even better :)

Frnkie: Aw that's good :D

Geesus: I gotta go, Mikey and my mom are back.

Geesus: Text you soon

Geesus: <3


Mikey and Donna weren't home yet, but Gerard didn't have anything else to say to Frank at the moment. He walked out of his bedroom slowly, and sat in the dining room for a few minutes, then decided to go on a walk.

Gerard put on his black converse, where the white parts were now stained tan with mud and dirt. He grabbed a beanie and his leather jacket and headed out. He made sure he had earbud in his pocket, and he turned on his 'Nirvana' radio station. To be honest, he didn't even like Nirvana; but he enjoyed the genre so he let if shuffle into other punk-rock bands.

He turned up the volume pretty loud, so it hurt his ears when someone texted his, sending off a notification; probably killing his ear drums.


Mom: Where are you, Gerard?

Geesus: I'm on a walk.

Geesus: I'll be home in a bit.

Mom: We need to go visit your grandma, I'm coming to pick you up. Where are you right now?

Geesus: I'm at Belleville park, why do we need to go see her? I'm 99.9% sure she hates me, so I should be obligated to have the right to chose whether or not I want to go.

Mom: I'll explain in the car. I'll be there in 5 minutes, don't go anywhere. Also, Geesus? Really Gerard?

Geesus: Hey, it's my life. I chose the usernames I want.


He had only just showed up at the park, so he didn't decide to go sit down or anything. He took out his earbuds and turned off the music, because his mom would make him if he didn't already. Soon enough, she pulled up and parked on the side of the road, honking, making sure Gerard knew she was there. He hopped in the car and sat in the backseat, because Donna and Mikey were in the front seats.

"Care to explain, mother?" Gerard insisted.

"Uh, well. Your grandma is in the hospital, we're just going to visit her and make sure everything is okay, sound good?" Donna proceeded to explain.

"Well- fine. Whatever. I'll go there with no complaints, but I'm not going to be happy about it. If she looks at me I'll probably end up giving her a heartattack and killing her because she hates me so goddamn much..." Gerard trailed off, knowing what he said was wrong. "Fuck..." He mumbled.

"What the hell, Gerard! Don't joke around about that!" Donna was angry now.

"Jesus Christ... Calm down, Ma..." Gerard said quietly. Mikey then turned his head around to look at Gerard, and shook his head.

"Great, everyone hates me" Gerard thought. He decided to text Frank.


Geesus: Grandma in hospital

Geesus: Being forced to see her

Geesus: Everyone pissed at me

Geesus: Mother slightly disgusted

Geesus: Miss you

Geesus: Text back

Frnkie: Damn, Gerard

Frnkie: You had to talk like an alien for that?

Geesus: Did I mention I love you?

Frnkie: I love you, too.

Geesus has read this message


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2018 ⏰

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