
Eventually, they got tired of the groupchat and deleted it. It was now 10pm on a Saturday. Gerard has just gotten out of the shower when his phone rang.

"Frank? Why are you calling me it's literally 10pm"

Frank was crying.

"Frank? What's wrong?"

He wouldn't say anything. Gerard could tell he was trying to, though. His words were just jumbled up with sobs and tears.


He kept stuttering, but he was gaining the ability to speak again

"My dog..."
"My dog, Sweet Pea..."

"She died..."
"and I can't breathe"
"I'm having a panic attack"

His crying was getting heavier and heavier, yet he could speak better now.

Gerard freaked out

"Oh my god Frank"
"are you okay?"
"Y'know what, fuck it."
"I'm coming over right now."

Frank didn't want Gerard to see him like this, though.

"No, heh..."
"No, I- I- I'm fine"

Gerard knew he wasn't

"Too bad."
"I'm coming"
"I'll be there in 5."
"What window is yours?"

Frank thought this man was the sweetest thing in the world

"Um... The one with a big ass bush under it?"
"I'll open it for you..."

Gerard mentally pictured where that window was and how to get in properly

"I'm gonna hang up now, call me if you need me before I get there, baby..."

"Okay... I love you"

"I love you, too."


Gerard ran down the hall and knocked on Mikey's door
"What do you want, Gerard?" Mikey asked, suspicious.

" I need you to cover for me." Gerard whispered, " Frank's dog died and he's having a really bad panic attack... I need to get over there..." Gerard trailed off

"If mom asks where you are, I'll say that you went to get your phone from the backyard???"

"No! Well, yes. Tell her that. I've got nothing else."

Gerard ran outside and started his car, he quickly drove off to Frank's house. When he got there, he saw Frank, teary-eyed and wheezing, right by his window. Gerard got out of his car and ran up to the window, carefully and quietly getting in Frank's bedroom.

"Gerard..." Frank spoke, but Gerard cut him off by saying "Here, here. Lay down." and patted his hand on Frank's bed. Frank slowly walked toward the bed and lied down next to where Gerard was sitting. Gerard rubbed Frank's cheek with his thumb and pushed Frank's hair out of his tear-covered face. Gerard began to lie down next to Frank, but instead Frank sat up an moved even closer to Gerard. He was still crying, but not as much. Gerard wrapped both of his arms around Frank and hugged him tightly, "I love you" "I love you too" Gerard's shoulder was becoming wet and covered in tears, "I'm sorry..." Frank would say. Gerard wouldn't reply with words, but he placed his hand on the side of Frank's soft cheek and kissed him.

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