chapter 33 - I can't believe you

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"Austin what the fuck are you doing?!" Alex yelled.

I did to say anything.

I couldn't say anything.

I knew exactly what I had done.

I fucked up.


Alex handed me a solo cup filled with water.

"What were you thinking man?" Alex said with a sad tone.

"What happened..?" I asked dumbfounded.

"You cheated on Keller."


"Yeah man."

"No no no!" I started to cry.

I've never cried in front of Alex. Ever. But I didn't care. I'm going to lose the one thing I love whole heartedly.

"Taylor. She just. She just. I couldn't stop her man."

"I know. She's controlling. That's why you got away. But she found a way back in. And now you're going to have to fix it."

"Keller is going to hate me."

"Maybe. But if you be a man and talk it out with her, I'm sure you guys can fix it.


I looked at Keller who had a blank expression.

She just stared at the floor.

"Keller I-"

"Save it." She said standing.


"No Austin!"

"Keller I'm sorry."

"I'm sure you are."

"Would you just listen to me?"

"No Austin. You listen." She pushed me.

"Do you know how this feels? I fucking trusted you with my life. And now I can't even trust you to go out with your friends for a couple hours!" she pushed me with every syllable.

I grew angrier.

"I feel so fucking betrayed!"

"STOP PUSHING ME!" I screamed.

"And what the fuck are you gonna do? Hit me? Do it. I fucking dare you." She pushed me again.

I don't know what came over me.

I shoved her. Too hard. I had my hands balled into fists.

She shot back and hit the wall.

I then realized what I had done.

"Oh my god." I stuttered reaching for her.

"DON'T fucking touch me!" she flinched.

She ran to the bedroom. I tried to follow but she locked the door.

I put my back to the wall and slid down.

What have I done..?


About and hour later she opened the door and brushed passed me.

I noticed she had a bag and bandages around both arms.

This is all my fault.

"Keller where are you going?"

She didn't answer she just walked out the door.

So I am now left alone in our home.

*Keller's POV*

I can't believe he did this to me.

I cut.

One for cheating. One for pushing.

I was doing so good at staying strong.

As soon as I got down to my car I threw my bag in the back seat.

I couldn't stop to collect myself because I knew austin would try and follow me.

So I whipped my eyes and backed out.

I pulled into the boys apartment complex.

I ran up the stairs and turned down a hall and finally reached 7D.

I banged on the door as hard as I could.

After a few moments Alex answered the door shirtless and out of breathe.

His eyes fell to my wrists.

"Kel what happened?" he asked as his voice broke.

I fell to my knees and cried as Alex bent down and hugged me as tight as he could.

"Hey what's wrong?" Zach yelled.

"What happened?" Robert questioned.

Alex pulled back and looked into my eyes.

"Austin. He-he" I stuttered.

"Did he hit you?" Zach spat growing angry.

"Pushed me against the wall. Really hard." I sobbed.

"What about your arms? How did that-" Robert started but Zach smacked the back of his head.

"Rob shut up." Alex spat.

"Oh shit."

The boys and I sat at the dinning room table is silence.

"I need a drink." I managed to say.

Alex stood and poured me a glass of vodka. I drank it down and winced.

I thought about what happened tonight. Everything came in flashes. I couldn't hold it in anymore.

I rested my head on the table and sobbed.

Alex stood me up and guided me to his room.

He embraced me in his arms.

I let out a stuttered breath.

"You promised." My voice broke.

"Keller I'm so sorry."

*Austin's POV*

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the vodka out of the freezer.

I didn't even bother with a glass. I'm not much of a drinker but the pain in my chest was so massive that I needed an outlet.

How could I be so fucking stupid?

-half way down the bottle-

I heard my phone buzz from the kitchen.

I stumbled over and leaned on the counter at I struggled to read the name of who texted me.

Taylor-Hey babe. Sorry we got interrupted. Want me to come over and make you feel good?

I was enraged.

Phone in hand I threw it across the room and watched as it smashed against the wall.

Taking another long swig of vodka I sat on the couch.

"Keller cut because of me." I stuttered out.

I ran into the bathroom and saw a blade on the counter with dried blood on it. There was blood all in the sink and a little on the floor.

I feel to my knees and cried.

I felt sick to my stomach. This was my fault. God dammit she was doing so well.

I hate myself.

I'll Love You at Your Darkest Moments. (Austin Mahone Fan Fiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя