chapter 13 - loving you is easy

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The next day I woke up all by myself in Austin's bed. There was a piece of paper that had my name on it sitting next to me.


Had to go to the studio today. I will come home at lunch. You're welcome to whatever you want. My mom is at work so just call me if you need anything. I love you.


I looked at the time. 9:30 a.m.


I grabbed my laptop. I had never really listened to Austin's songs. I went to youtube and typed in 'Austin Mahone' and a song called 'Say Somethin' came up first. I clicked on it to see Alex, Robert, Zach, Austin, and our old friend Tyler. His voice was amazing.

I watched so many of his videos until my phone rang.


"Hey babe" I answered.

"Hey ma. I'm on my way home to pick you up. Be ready!""

"Where are we going?"

"The studio."

"Alright. See you soon."

We hung up.. I got ready. I put on my white lace bandeau shirt light wash high waisted shorts and white vans.

Austin came into the room.

"hey babe ready?"


"You look pretty."

"thanks" I said grabbing his hand.

We got into his truck and started to drive.

"We're writing a new song."

"What's it called?"

"Loving You Is Easy."

"Am I going to be able to hear it?"

"You're going to hear me record it."



"I'm excited!"

"Me too."

We pulled into an office building parking lot. As we walked through the doors we were greeted by a man.

"Austin lets go."

"Rocco wait. Keller? This is Rocco. My manager. This is my girlfriend Keller "

"Ah so you're the mystery girl this song is about. Nice to meet you. Finally."

"Nice to meet you too." I blushed.

We walked upstairs and into a recording room. Austin motioned for me to sit. He walked into the booth and put his headphones on.

"We were lost in the middle.

Like bottles in the ocean, but we found one another.

Like the answer to her question.

Like words to a love song, or a river to the Red Sea.

Findin you was sooo haaaaaaaaaaaaaard.

But loving you was easayy."

Everyone clapped and Austin looked at me and pointed.

After a long day of recording Austin was starving. We went to a Chinese restaurant.

"Did you like the song?"

"Like it? I loved it!"

"Is it weird I wrote it about you?"

"Weird? Thats the sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me."

After dinner we went back to Austin's. His mom was on the couch watching Tv.

"How was the studio?"

"Great. We wrote another song."

"Wow that was fast."

"Yeah I was in a writing mood so Rocco called everyone in and we got down to business."

They continued their conversation so I walked into Austin's room.

He wrote a song about me.

About me.

That was so sweet. I'm so happy he's mine.


ily guys!!! thanks for reading! xx

outfit to the sideeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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