Chapter Nine- Percy

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Hey guys!

Once again, thanks a lot for all the support! You guys really are the best. <3

Dedication goes to MystoganSeven for all the support and dedications, haha. Thought I'd repay the favour, eh?

In the comments, can you guys tell me how my writing is? This work is unedited, because unfortunately I don't have the patience to go back and edit. So, besides that, tell me what you like most about my writing and what is something I could improve on. [No hate, please be nice! Anything like this will be deleted right away, and if you are trying to make me feel bad, let me tell you now it's not going to work. You're wasting your time.]

Let's end this A/N on a happy note:


Percy Jackson IX

Someone lightly shook Percy awake. Groaning, Percy sat up and rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes.

The first thing he saw, were Annabeth's stormy grey eyes. Next, he saw the time, 5:19 am.

"Let me sleep!" Percy grumbled, falling back into bed and pulling the covers over his body.

"Percy, we're here at Athens. You should leave as soon as possible so you have enough time to defeat Mimas." Annabeth said gently, taking the blanket off Percy and placing it neatly in the corner.

Percy sighed, nodding slightly and heading to the bathroom. Annabeth had already placed clothes there for him, which Percy slid on after his shower.

Percy headed down to the Dining hall, where Annabeth was drinking some coffee. Percy stole her cup and took a sip, handing it back to her with a smile. Annabeth simply rolled her eyes as Percy went to the table and got food.

"So, who else is awake?" Percy asked, munching down on the pancakes that appeared in front of him.

"Jason, who's waking up Leo. Everyone else is sleeping, I think." Annabeth replied, jokingly taking a bite from his pancake.

Percy didn't complain, he was enjoying his food too much. After eating fire-water for so long, Percy greatly appreciated proper food.

"What's up?" Leo asked, sitting down at the table beside Percy. Jason sat down across from him, beside Annabeth.

"Nothing much," Percy flashed a smile at Leo, "Ready to beat kick some giant booty?"

"You bet." Leo laughed, eating his breakfast quickly, "So where exactly is this "Temple of Hephaestus"? Where do we land?"

"Not far from here," Annabeth replied, reaching for something in her pocket. She spread a map of Greece out on the table and pointed out two locations, "We'll land here, and the temple is here. I've already set up the destination."

Leo looked impressed as he watched Annabeth beam at her accomplishment. Almost no one knew how to use the Argo II, even if they helped build it. As Percy looked around at the Greek warship, he now appreciated how awesome this floating ship of doom really was.

Suddenly, Festus started to whirr and click, which Leo translated quickly, "We're landing."

He left his drink half-finished and went over to the controls to help the ship land. "What are you guys going to do in the meanwhile?" Percy asked, putting the last peice of his third pancake in his mouth.

"Strategize." Annabeth replied, "And guard the ship."

"Relax, take it easy, and train." Jason added, sipping his orange juice.

The Blood Of Olympus **DISCONTINUED**Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang