Chapter Twelve- Jason

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  • Dedicated to Emily

Hey guys!

Sorry for not updating in a quite a while but I really couldn't update; I had like no time or inspiration what so ever so this is going to be hard and possibly very bad. 


Jason Grace XII

As soon as Hazel and Jason entered Acropolis, they got split up. A huge swarm of monsters surrounded them, and Hazel and Jason were forced to separate to dodge the attack.

Jason wouldn't have minded as much in regular cases, but on this quest he knew how much splitting up would cost them. He searched for Hazel's figure among the army of monsters, but only saw the talons and claws that were trying to sink into his neck and arms.

Jason floated into the air, trying to get away from the swarm of monsters. Only some of the monsters could reach him, but he easily hacked them down. Flying to some higher ground, Jason looked for Hazel. 

Hazel wasn't doing so badly, but it would only be a matter of minutes before she would be overwhelmed. Jason couldn't let that happen, he couldn't let Hazel be the one that didn't return.

However, it seemed that wasn't the problem at hand for Jason. 

If he hadn't heard the footsteps in time, Jason would have been sliced in half. He jumped forward as the blade slashed through the air behind him. He turned around to greet his enemy, and immediately lost his cool.

A wave of pure fury went through his veins, surprising him. He gripped his sword tightly; but found himself just barely able to control his anger. 

"Very good," A silky voice said, "Not many are able to resist me."

Jason looked up to see a woman smiling down at him, looking extremely beautiful, which caught Jason by surprise. Long golden hair fell down her shoulders in curls; with clear blue eyes reminding him of the clear sky. She wore a white greek style dress with plain sandals.

Jason was sure he would fallen for her spell if not for Hazel. She whipped out from behind him and sliced at the woman, who sidestepped easily. He snapped out of his trance and stopped Hazel from falling of the ledge which overlooked Acropolis. 

"Who are you?"

The women smiled and pointed a long, perfectly manicured finger at Hazel, "She knows."

"Ira, Goddess of Rage." Hazel said, her voice shaking with anger. Obviously, the spell or enchantment (or whatever it was) was affecting her.

"That would be Lyssa, because I am in my greek form." The goddess said, quite rudely. 

Jason felt the pool of rage start to bubble at the bottom of his stomach again, and tried not to curse at well, anything.

"Aren't you supposed to be siding with the gods? Gaea won't spare anyone, you know?" Hazel said, quite convincingly.

"Agh, it doesn't matter anyway," Lyssa said, swatting her hand in the air dissmissively, "I'm a minor goddess, and no one cares about us. It's quite a problem with us minor gods."

"But you will die!" Jason protested.

"As I said, it doesn't matter. At least I'll be able to have some fun with you demigods before I die." Lyssa said nonchalantly.

Jason narrowed his eyes as the myth came back to him, "You're the daughter of Nyx who rose from the blood of Ouranos' wound when Kronos injured him."

Lyssa snarled, her cool demenour instantly turning ferocious. Jason turned to Hazel, but she was different. Her eyes were red with anger, and she lost control.

"Kill him." Lyssa spat, her voice dripping with venom. Hazel charged, leaping into the air and springing towards him. Jason rolled out of the way, flying into the air to get out of her reach.

"Hera called on you to kill, no, drive Heracules insane, right?" Jason said, his voice rising for more effect.

Lyssa growled, and threw a knife at him, that quite literally appeared out of no where. Jason was doing a pretty good job of making the goddess of rage angry, and Jason wasn't entirely sure that was a good thing. 

Jason wasn't sure the myth was going to help him in anyway, so he blindly sprung forward with his sword, and surprinsingly struck her in the knee. She faltered, and her spell broke, making Hazel return to normal.

"You go deal with Alcyoneus, and I'll handle things here," Jason yelled, "Hurry!"

Hazel nodded quickly and sprinted towards the series of temples, leaving Jason alone with a very, very angry goddess.

Suddenly, Jason felt anger shoot through his veins and gasped in surprise. He began to cough up blood, feeling his vision blur.

Jason stood up, and gripped his sword tightly, feeling dizzy. Suddenly, the goddess cocked her head upwards, and her eyes widened, "I-I have to leave. Zeus is calling."


"He has figured out I left Olympus," Lyssa cursed in Ancient Greek, "Next time, you won't be so lucky, got it?"

Jason looked away as the goddess revealed her true form, not willing to go through the same pain he had gone through back when Hera had been imprisoned.

Stumbling forward, Jason blinked the weariness away, and sprinted forward to help Hazel kill Alyconeus, bane of Hades[Pluto].

The Giant was leaving a path of destruction behind him where ever he went, crushing precious temples as he went. Jason couldn't see Hazel, but he would be cowering in fear if he were her. Unfortunately for both of them, they were heroes, and heroes weren't aloud to be afraid. 

And so, Jason did the stupidest thing he could do.

He charged.

Gosh I wrote that in under one hour and it's probably really bad so sorry.


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