Chapter Sixteen- Percy

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Hey guys!

I know I haven't been updating, but I was kind of on vacation for my Spring Break, and I wanted to spend as much time with my family as possible, so, don't blame me. I also went on hiatus because I wanted to focus on my school work, and I didn't want to get behind. Sorry, guys. I also was sick last weekend . . . like really bad sick.

I'll try and update more often, but if I can't, please know that I'm trying. And definitely, all feedback I get helps :)

I dedicate this to BananasAreEvil. Thanks so much for the support! And I love your profile pic <3

Percy Jackson VXI

Percy didn't know what was troubling him more, the fact that Frank was dying, or that Jason had lost more blood than Percy though he had.

They had spotted a herd of unicorns a while ago, a herd of very angry, aggressive creatures that would stop at nothing to spear Jason.

It took a while for them to grab the horn, and break it off. Percy felt extremely bad for it, but Jason had weakly assured him that it would grow back.

Now, Percy stood beside his barely-conscious cousin, unsure of what to do. They had been stupid enough to leave the ship with no ambrosia or nectar, or any first aid material at all. All they had were their weapons, and that wasn't the best at healing wounds.

Percy sighed, looking at the horn in his hand. It glinted silver, shining with a powerful radiance. According to Annabeth, it had medical properties, but Percy didn't know exactly how to use it. Percy felt helpless, waiting for something to happen. He had no idea what to do, and because Jason seemed to have no intent on moving, and Percy couldn't just leave him there, Percy was stuck.

Percy calmed down by taking deep breaths, trying to think of what Annabeth would do. Percy had already ripped of part of his shirt to cover Jason's wound, and applied pressure, but the cloth was soaked in blood within a few moments and he had to throw it away.

Jason was leaned up against the rocky wall of the cliff - Jason had tried to walk towards their next destination to find the plants, but soon enough Percy could see he was in no condition to keep going, and ordered him to relax.

Percy closed his eyes, praying to every god he could think of. He only had one wish, and that was to save Jason.

A few moments later, a gust of wind blew past him, making Percy open his eyes.

You called, boss?

"Blackjack!" Percy sighed in relief, "Take Jason back to Argo II, you know where that is?

I saw it on the way here, the Pegasus replied.

Percy would have to seriously thank Blackjack later, but he had other things to worry about right now.

He quickly beckoned Blackjack to sit, who obliged easily. He gently picked up Jason's body, placing him onto the Pegasus' back. He wrapped Jason's arms around Blackjack's neck, and secured him properly.

"Go as fast as you can, but be careful not to drop him." Percy said, giving the Pegasus a quick pat.

I know, boss. I want some sugar cubes when you come back! The Pegasus whinnied.

"Promise!" Percy yelled to him, but Blackjack was already gone.

Which brought him to his next task. Percy scouted around for what he was sure was over an hour, finding nothing but the grass that grew on the rock area around him.

He had barely had a quick peak at the picture, but all the stress he had been feeling made him forget, an he didn't have the best memory to begin with. He had no idea how he was going to find this plant, and that wasn't an option because Frank's life was in danger.

It wasn't until he felt a power radiation of energy that he found a clue of where to look. The energy drew him up high - Percy was getting uncomfortable with the height, but ignored it. He couldn't afford to get distracted, even though his task was far from impossible. It was the one task he was sure he could easily complete, thankfully.

Before anything went wrong, Percy hurried towards the plant and uprooted it from the ground, very careful not to kill the plant. He didn't know if it would still work if the plant had died, and he couldn't risk the antidote failing. He did not have the time to find another one.

Percy had never run so fast in his life. 

Percy wasn't confident he would make it back to the ship in time, which was almost maddening. After all the threats the seven had faced together, Percy wasn't going to let one of them die because of some stupid poison. His pace quickened further, until he was practically zipping through the streets. 

He barely made it, climbing the ladder so fast he was half falling off of it. 

"I'm back!" He gasped, "Hurry with the remedy!"

"Thank the gods!" Annabeth exclaimed as she saw him. She snatched the herb from his hand, but Percy wasn't going to complain now. She already seemed to have the rest of antidote prepared, so she quickly mushed the leaves of the plant together with the whitish yellow liquid. 

It turned into a pale green, a colour which was almost sickening. Percy wasn't sure it was going to work, but he knew not to make the mistake of doubting his girlfriend. She was perfectly capable of curing poison, and Percy knew it, so he threw aside all his doubts.

"Come on!" She said to Percy, pounding down the stairs to get to the infirmary. Percy followed her without question, knowing that they didn't have much time. 

Annabeth threw open the door, finding Piper and Hazel sitting on the bed opposite Frank's. She paid them no heed, marching straight up to Frank and handing him a spoonful of the concoction she had prepared. 

He was trembling, and refused to take it, turning away from Annabeth. It was so childish that Percy had to resist the urge to laugh.

"Help me!" Annabeth gestured to Percy quickly, and Percy saw the panic in her eyes as she passed him. 

Percy reassured her with a nod as Piper and Hazel helped him hold down Frank, while Annabeth forced Frank to swallow the thick liquidy antidote. 

Immediately, he began to cough. His coughs turned harsher and louder, as if he was choking.

"Annabeth!" Hazel exclaimed, looking at her in desperation.

"It's okay," She said, looking completely calm, "It's a normal reaction to the antidote. He'll be fine in a few minutes, whenever he stops coughing."

Piper sighed in relief, "That's good news."

"I have some more news," Hazel said, "Annabeth is next for the fights with the giants."

Wow this seems so bad and ugh I'm so sorry I know I can do much better than this but ugh I just couldn't bring myself to write and had no inspiration but I really wanted to update so you get this piece of . . . yeah.

Thanks a lot guys, and please please please vote and comment - it helps out a lot!


The Blood Of Olympus **DISCONTINUED**Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon