Okay, maybe I'm using the word ghost too harshly. I guess the word scary human can work too.

"Who are you?" His menacing tone of voice sent shivers down my spine. His voice was like nothing I've ever heard before. You might be thinking that that's because I've never heard him speak before but that's not what I mean. His voice was almost as soft as a feather but as cold as ice.

Okay, maybe that doesn't make any sense but work with me here.

His Mediterarian blue eyes never left mine. Although his raven black hair was covering them slightly, his eyes were the first thing I noticed. My eyes instantly flicked to his arm. I noticed a tattoo was placed on his arm. He must have noticed me staring and quickly pulled his blue sweater's sleeve down making it almost impossible for me to see it. But maybe if I had magical eyes that would let me see through any material I could, but I doubt that would happen anytime soon.

"I could be asking you the same thing," I barked back.

"I think I should be the one asking you." He stated, cocking an eyebrow. "After all, you are trying to go in my room." His cool breath sent chills all over my body.

I balled my hands into a fist.

Get a grip Rachel!

"Oh, so this is your room huh?" I asked, not really expecting him to answer, which he didn't. "Then why exactly is your room open when you know anyone can come in here?" I saw him stiffen at my words which made me smirk.

He was quiet for a few seconds but not for too long.

"I-I was gone to a different room for a few minutes." He explained. "I didn't think anyone would even try coming inside here. After all, no one even tries to go inside this room." He stated.

"Why?" I inquired. I saw him ball his hands into a fist.

"Does it matter?" He seemed on the edge of punching me.

"Now that I think about it," I scratched my chin. "Yes, yes it does," I raise my chin up. Only then do it realize he's a head taller than me.

"No, it doesn't." He glared at me, not even showing me a hint of humor in his eyes. His arm brushed past me and he went inside the room slamming the door room shut with enough pressure to make me jump underneath my skin.

I let out a low whistle.

"Looks like someone needs a Happy Meal." I joked not really expecting him to hear it.

I heard a grunt from the other side of the door as a reply.

"Right back at you," I grunted in response.

I walk over to the elevator door and pressed the number 6. Maybe my room number is on this floor.

"Mind if I come inside with you?" Someone asks me. "Wait, that didn't sound right," He says to himself. "Mind if I join you in the elevator?" He scrunched his eyebrows and shook his head. "May I please be inside the same elevator as you without doing anything physical in any manner or form?" He asked. "That's sounds better." Again, talking to himself.

I didn't answer him because a) he was already inside the elevator with me and b) he looked like a human Jack Frost (no I'm serious, this guy looks like a human Jack Frost with his platinum blonde hair) and c) I didn't feel like talking. Then again I never feel like talking to people in general.

"Er," he scratched his neck. "Are you mute or something?" He wondered aloud.

I rolled my eyes in response to his question.

Even if I was mute, why are you asking when you know I wouldn't reply.

"I take that as a yes?"

I get that some babies may have been dropped on their head but this guy was clearly thrown at the wall.

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