The Big Day (Part 2)

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You guys are gonna love this chapter!!!!!(i hope) It's wayyyyy better than the last one! But I hope you liked the last one too!!! And after this chapter know what I can't say anything..... yet... But enough about the next chapter let's focus on this chapter. 


Andrew POV It's 6 pm

Once we get back to Renee's house we don't know what do to now. I have an idea though

"Guys today has been just great!!!! I can't thank you guys enough!!" Renee said almost crying.

"Don't worry about it Renee we did it because you mean a lot to us!" Belle said smiling.

"So what do we do now?" Noah asked.

"I have an idea," I said having the best idea ever.

"What's up?" Carlos asked.

"Let's play Music Feelz!" I said excitedly.

"We haven't played that game ever since the 6th grade!" Carlos says with excitement.

"Then come on guys let's play!!!!!" Cassandra says twirling around.

Renee POV

We all sit in a circle. "You guys still know how to play this game right?"

"DUH!" They all yell.

"Ok just asking," I say.

"I'll go first!" I say and smile:

"Belle are you crying over there?!" Kala askes. 

"NO! I'M NOT!" Belle sniffles.

Noah scoots over to Belle and holds her.  We all take a picture of them on our phones.

"I'll go next!" Carlos says.

"Wow!" I said.

"So hot," Daphne whispers thinking nobody heard it. *But I did*

"Me and Cassandra next!" Kala says hyperly. 

A/n: Have you guys ever heard of that word? Hyperly 

A New Experience (A Mystreet/Phoenix Drop High Fanfic)  {Discontinued}Where stories live. Discover now