What a great day (NOT)

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Emma POV 

OMG! I am so talking to Renee! I heard that she and Vylad went on a date. UGH! Why is she trying to steal my man? shes like.....Mrs.Steal your man. UGGHHH! Good thing I got my backup girl. Jackie. And it's free period. I walk up to her...

"OMG, hey Renee," I say all fake.

"Oh hi, Emma what's up," she says. Ugggh I hate her country style voice it annoys me. I pretty sure its fake anyway.

"Oh, nothing...I just heard that you and Vyladie went on a date hahaha....... it's not true.....is it?" I ask.

"Ummm it is true," she says all confident.

Ha, I knew-WAIT WHAT!!!

"ITS TRUE?!!!" I said yelling at this point.

"Yep.," she says grinning.

OMG, I am soooo about to make a scene on this girl. 

"YOU DID?!!!! OH MY GOSH! HOW COULD YOU, I THOUGHT WERE FRIEND.ISH!!!!!!!" I say yelling as loud as I can.  

"Um Emma it's not that big of a deal were not even dating," she says acting all innocent. 


At this point, Jackie picked me up to hold me back. 

"I HATE YOU, I HATE YOOOOOOU!!!!!" I yell as loud as I can and start swinging my arms and legs.

Of course, it got everyone attention, even Vylad's. 

I pull on her necklace.

"HEY! Let go of this!!" She said and slaps my hand away.

"Oh, I know u did not just slap my hand," I say fired up.

I push her down on the ground.

Jackie starts walking away holding me.

"Hey, where r u taking me?...."
Vylad POV

I run over to Renee

"Renee are u ok?" I ask a little worried.

"I'm perfectly fine..." She says.

I hug her. I can feel her blush.

A/n: O.o


No one's POV

Renee is sitting in math class when a person from the office calls.

Can I have Renee Zoar to the gym plz?

Renee gets up and walks out.
"Wonder where she's going" Vylad wonders.

Renee POV

I walk into the gym and see the cheerleaders. What do they want from me?

"Renee we need you to become our cheer captain." A girl says.

"What?! What happened to your cheer captain?" I ask.

"Well, she said she wasn't getting enough popularity so she just quit." One girl said.

"So why did u chose me?" I ask.

"Because we see you on YouTube and we know what your capable of." Another girl said.

"Please say yes!" They all say in unison.

"Mm ok, I'll do it," I say excitedly.

" Yay come to practice after school. Here is your uniform." This guy says and gives it to me.

"Oh this is Derekk is it ok that's he....well u know what I mean right?" A girl says.

"I don't mind one bit," I said.

Bell rings

"Bye squad," I say sprinting away.

"Byeeee," The all say together.


"Hey, Renee what happened in the gym?" Vylad asked me.

After I explain to Vylad about being a captain.....

"Wow, that's so cool for you." He says.

"Thanks," I say.

I see Emma glaring at me. Oh, whale her eyes not mine.

At practice in the gym

I put on my uniform and it doesn't look that bad.

A/n: It's at the top ⬆

"Alright, squad lets get practice going," I say hyper. A/N: Video at the top ⬆

Later on, in practice 2 guys from the football team come in at sit down of the bleachers. 

3rd Person POV

"Ok everyone takes five," Renee says.

The cheer squad separates.

Vylad- You did a great job Renee

Renee- Thank u Vylad that's nice for me to hear after my first try.

"Hey Renee great job, I didn't know u could do that." A guy from the foot ball team says to Renee.

" Oh um...thanks?" Renee says.

Then the other guy picks her up.

"Aaah..um could u please put me down," Renee says nervously.

"No way sunshine." The guy says.

"She said put her down," Derekk said.

Then the whole cheer squad comes behind Derekk.

"No." He said and kissed her..........cheek.

Renee slaps him while blushing, and he drops her.

"OOOW!" She said.

"Renee are u ok!" Vylad says to her.

"Go away Ro'meave, shouldn't u be with your fangirls." one guy says.

"I don't have fangirls like my brother, so get a reality check," he says.

"ROASTED!" Everyone says.

The two guys leave.

"Renee home girl,u need to get some rest I take care of practice today ok?" Derekk said.

"Thanks, Derekk. " she says. 

Renee goes to sit down. 

"Those guys are jerks," Renee said.

"Yea I know..." Vylad says sadly.

Cheer practice is over. 

"Hey, Girls lets all go to Starbucks to celebrate our new captain."One girl said. 

"Oh, girls you don't have to do that," Renee says smiling. 

"PLZZZZZZZ" The whole squad begs. 

"Fine..." "Can I bring Vylad?" Renee asked them. 

"Of course!" They all say. 

At the amazing Starbucks 

"Hey, guys I'mma go live on musical.ly ok," Derekk said. 

"Oh, you have musical.ly so do I, my name is Princess._.Zoar A/N: IDK if that name is real or not on Musical.ly.

"K I will add you real quick then go live," Derekk said.

Renee POV

Today was a great day and this Vanilla Bean Frappe. is so good! 

A New Experience (A Mystreet/Phoenix Drop High Fanfic)  {Discontinued}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum