Living Nightmare

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Thomas suddenly sat up in his seat, grabbed his baseball bat, and started shouting and straining against his seatbelt. When Thomas realized where he was, he calmed down a little.

All eyes in the car were wide and staring at him, except for his brother who was holding his head and chuckling silently. Lindsey slowly took her hand away from Thomas and softly murmured, "Sorry, I was just going to tell you that we stopped."

Thomas sheepishly grinned and rubbed the back of his head. "Sorry about that, was dreaming about those dead ones walking. They are one unwholesome bunch." Thomas said, trying to put everyone at ease.

Miranda was wringing her hands out. She was obviously nervous. "Alright lets go," Randy simply said.

"Where are we?" Ashley asks.

Randy opens the door without answering. Thomas finally takes a look around at the surroundings.

The sun was beginning to rise. It's red rays shone upon the landscape. The light gleamed off a large metallic surface. It was a stark contrast with the rest of the land. It wasn't enormous, but it but it definitely stood out.

Thomas finally recalls the all too familiar landscape. Randy grabs his gun and begins to scan the outside for the dead ones. Randy quickly cocks his gun.

Thomas runs over to his brother and grabs him by the shoulder to tug him back to face him. Thomas whispers angrily, " We can't go back in there! You remember what happened last time. They won't accept us."

Randy looked past him and continued to look for dead ones. He answers slowly, "We don't have much of a choice. It's a stronghold and we will be safer in there rather than anywhere else. Maybe they will sympathize with us."

"You know they won't. They will only let us in, if at all, for the girls with us. They will only use us. I don't know how tough they have gotten. But we definitely can't handle all of them. We are orphans because of them," Thomas angrily whispered.

"What are you guys whispering about?" Ashley asked arms crossed.

"This doesn't concern you. It's family business," Randy replies.

"Like hell, it concerns me. I'm worried about how all of us are going to survive. Randy, you can't just keep us in the dark. We have a right to know as much as you," Ashley said.

"We can handle them. We know how they operate, probably better then they do themselves," Randy whispers vehemently.

"Look, we can't argue now. I see dead ones beginning to creep toward us. Either we go now, or we die fighting between ourselves, and the dead ones."

Thomas releases his brother bitterly when he sees the truth. The faint rustles of the leaves could be heard. Eyes peering from between the branches began to unnerve everyone.

Lindsey and Miranda had gotten out of the car and stayed close to the rest of the group.

"Better run, we could sprint and make it before they do," Thomas proposed. They all nodded in agreement.

"I'll take rear, Thomas you take point," Randy added. Before anyone could object, Randy shoved them forward in his order. Thomas went first, with the three girls trailing him.

Randy took rear and kept an eye out for the dead ones. He kept the gun held out, cocked and ready. The eyes in the bushes trained on the small group. They ran on the path, watching for any movement.

Thomas ran up to the door and hit the door with his bat, making a loud and clear sound. Then, acting on the sound, three dead ones burst from the bushes.

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