Lets Call Her...♡

Start from the beginning

With that, I pulled open the door wider sending a rush of bitter night time air through my entrance hall.

"The living room is to the right, make yourselves comfortable and I'll prepare some drinks" I faked a smile and concealed my fury with kindness.

"Make it quick" Jack snapped as he lead his entourage into my lounge.

Once I'd made four cups of tea and poured some concentrated fruit juice into a small beaker, I struggled back into the living room and set them down on the table.

"I don't drink tea!" His girlfriend complained instantly.

I managed to plaster a smile on my lips and sit next to Mike.

"Who's that?!" She insisted, making me roll my eyes and continue to give her the cold shoulder.

"Anyway, Jack. I invited you over because I had something to tell you..." Nerves were evident in my voice and the last few words just slid out before my bottom lip started to quiver.

"And that is what?" He demanded in a firm tone of voice.

Without speaking, I shakily hobbled over the the table and picture up the letter that lay strewn with it's envelope. As I walked back over, I handed it straight to him and watched as his eyes scanned the paper.

"YOU WHAT?!" His voice raised in volume and he shot daggers in my direction.

"It say on the letter, I-I was pregnant with your baby and I l-lost it.." I stuttered, refusing to give him any form of eye contact.

"You dirty little slut, don't you dare try and break up my family with your stupid little lies. I broke up with you for a reason and that reason was because you were an unworthy little whore! Do you understand me?" He vociferated, piercing through my eardrums in the process.

With that, I saw a clenched outline flying in my direction. The room started to sway and blood squirted out of my body. I blacked out.

"Evelyn, Evelyn.." The voice that rang softly throughout my ears was similar. It had a cheery little song to it and I knew almost straight away that it was Mike.

I parted my lips to speak, but no words came out my mouth. My left eye squinted and skimmed across the room, my right eye stayed closed. It was like someone had barred down my eye and thrown away the key.

"Evelyn, I thought you weren't going to wake up!" A sense of relief filled the room as Mike ended his sentence. I was alive, in excruciating pain, yet I was still living and still breathing.

"W-Wh" That was the only sound I managed to make out, but I did it. It caused me great discomfort, then I tried to roll over resulting in a monotonal beeping sound that made me cringe.

"What happened? You told showed Jack the letter and he swung for you. Once you hit the floor his girl started to attack you like a provoked cat; I literally had to pull them both off you and throw them across the room."

I let out a small squeak of desperation and need. I had been in hospital three times within the last month and I just wanted to go back home and let everything go back to normal, but that was never going to happen. After this was all over I would have to undergo several police interviews to report Jack and his other half.

Mike started to soothe me by brushing the pad of his thumb gently over my hand.

"I know darling, I know" He whispered calmly.

I must have fallen asleep, because when I awoke Mike was asleep on the uncomfortable visitors' chair hospitals place in each patient's room. The bleached white curtains were drawn across the small window and the lights were dimmed. The whole ward from what I could decipher was asleep and the faint sound of typing could be heard from the nurses station. There was no chance of me falling back into a light sleep and an even slimmer chance of me falling into a blissfully deep sleep.

About two hours later, I felt Mike stir on the chair and his two gorgeous eyes flutter open like the wings of a butterfly.

"Hey handsome prince" My raspy voice croaked out as he cracked a smile.

"Evelyn, there's been something I've been meaning to ask you for a while now.." His voice softened and just raised above a whisper.

"And what's that?" I breathed out.

"Would you consider being my girlfriend?" He asked timidly as his cheeks tinted a shade of fuchsia pink.

"I-I'd love to Mike" My breath hitched in my throat and the blood rushed to my cheeks, washing my face with a light pink colour.

Maybe things were starting to look up, I have Mike for certain now and we were going to start forming a solid relationship with each other and I could finally look forward to settling down in the future.

I Can't Help Falling For You♡Where stories live. Discover now