Chapter five

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  I stood in the abyss. Everything was blank though pulsating slightly which was giving me a headache. Was this purgatory perhaps? If so then I was dead and that royally sucked, I never even got to find out what was causing the dreams. I sighed and sat down head in hands. What to do for eternity?
     Just as I thought that something to do appeared. I would figure out why there was a strange neon sign in purgatory. It was an electronic board hanging in mid-air with red letters flashing across the screen, creating a slight humming noise. It read, "Giving up so soon Christian?"
  Words escaped me...then came to me all at once. I blurted out something unintelligible then stopped and checked my priorities. "Well when you have no clue of your location, living status or of what's happening it's a good place to start," I huffed. Wait I was talking to a sign, why did I expect it to hear me. 

   The previous words disappeared and after it considered my statement new ones appeared. "All of those things are your choice Christian."  Great riddles. 
"The Bahamas, reincarnated as an otter and nothing but a strange figment of my imagination," I replied smugly. Why I was smug about anything I had to say to a sign I had no clue.
"You know that's not what I meant Christian." The new words appeared faster this time as if the sign was irritated which I suppose it might have been. I wondered briefly who was writing the words but suspected rightly I wouldn't like the answer. 
 "How would I know what you meant, I'm not inside your head," I snapped. 
"No but I am inside yours."
"You are currently unconscious and being transported to hospital. This is all in your mind and you now have to make a choice."  Why was this happening to me? I was going insane as I told myself so many times I wasn't, talking to a figment of my imagination. 
With weariness in my voice beyond my age I asked, "What choice?"

"To stay or to leave." The words appeared again and with them came a door. It was the same plain wooden door that I had seen before and I knew behind it were answers. I started forward but stopped with a frown. 
"What happens if I stay?" I wondered nervously.
The sign again took a moment to decide what words to display. "You will be lost in a coma stuck in your head until you die." I imagined that for a second spending the rest of my life trapped inside my head. I hated the image. Don't get me wrong I enjoyed being alone with my thoughts but that was a little too much.
 "What sort of a choice is that? I wanted to see the memory before!" This had been a waste of my time and I had no idea how much time I had spent unconscious. 
"You're forgetting that this is all in your head Christian. If you wanted to see the memory you could have done so straight away."
And that's when I realised I was scared. Whatever happened that day had mentally scared me for two years and caused every single problem I was having. Maybe I didn't want to see it....but I had to. I ran forward and grabbed the door handle flinging it open and taking one last look at the blank space behind me. 
What is this place?" I asked.
"It is the blank space that remained when your memory was blocked off."
"Good then I won't be seeing you again."
"Yes, good luck Chris."
I closed my eyes and hurled myself through the door. 

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