Chapter one

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"Morning all I'm Steve as I'm sure most of you know and for those that don't welcome to GTFT. I'd like to start by saying sorry the name is so appalling, not my choice I'm just a Councillor not management level, but we're not here to talk about me, so lets get on with it shall we?"

   God I hate Steve. Well maybe that's a little harsh let me rephrase that. Gosh darn, I really dislike Steven. Nah the first was better it's just he thinks he understands us and thinks we find him cool. The suck ups don't help with that assumption but perhaps that kind of thinking is why I've been stuck going to these meetings for a year. GTFT is a waste of time and even it's name is dull. It stands for Group Therapy For Teens not that you were interested. 
    The truth is I'm quite impressed by Steve and his ability to stay positive while surrounded by so much gloom and hatred. Of course I can't claim not to have added to these atmosphere problems but that isn't because of any mental issues. What sane person would like being branded as a crazy nut job and sent to a community center every week to sit and talk about their feelings. It's just not enjoyable.
  "Christian you're a veteran at this why don't you introduce yourself to the newbies."
I'd hardly say I was a veteran, my one year here was hardly comparable to some of the other mentals but Steve thinks I'm antisocial and need to work on it. Oh and don't start with all that PC rubbish, people assume I am a mental so I'm allowed to say it, don't take the only perk away.
   "No need to tell you my name because Steve here already told you that, so lets jump right in. I don't really have a diagnosis for you to label me with unfortunately I'm just "delusional" and have night terrors. People would probably just accept this if I didn't always have so many unexplained injuries. These come from my night terrors because while in a dream state I move around a lot and end up hurting myself on the objects around me. People at school pick on me but that's not an unfamiliar story and they usually end up sorry they did so I won't go into it. I'm going to hand you back to Steve who looks a little sorry he asked." I smirked at the therapist before lapsing back into my own thoughts while a telephone rang somewhere in the distance. 
   The rest of the day was relatively uneventful as usual for a weekend. I stayed at home a lot because my parents were usually busy and Steve was right I am antisocial. Instead of facing the outside world I lay on the grass outside reading in the sunshine. It was one of those books that are fairly dull but just interesting enough to keep your attention. Perfect for lazy, summer days.
    Evening soon rolled around and we ate our usual family meal. My sister was there for once but said very little. She's normal so goes out with her friends most weekends, God knows where. She's popular as well, all the good-looks and charm must have been used up on her because I certainly didn't have any. While her hair was long and golden mine was dull and dark, while her blue eyes shone like jewels my green reflected your own darkness and while she had sun-kissed skin mine was pale and sickly looking. That was why she avoided me outside. I didn't resent her, she had always been nice to me.
   My parents too were supportive and kind, if a little distant. Both were light haired and golden skinned like my sister and very successful. They both managed businesses that had done very well over recent years meaning lots of money to treat their son. They had to keep me out of the way though, for publicity reasons and again I didn't blame them.
   After the late meal I said goodnight and went to bed. I brushed my teeth then got changed into just shorts (as I got tangled in my clothes during sleep). It was the same every night right up until sleep.

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