Chapter seven

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I was having the dream for the final time. I knew this for certain because I could see everything around me. I stood on top of a white building in the centre of London and grimaced when I saw the large H printed on the roof and the word written on a huge sign that towered above me. This was a hospital. I wondered whether it was the one I was staying at now or the one from my encounter with the strange old man.  I got my answer when I saw...well it was me in a compromising hospital gown sprinting out of a door and onto the roof. 
  An army of medical staff, security men and family members chased after me telling me to come back inside. My parents took charge and told everyone to stay back or they'd scare me off. The other me stood a few meters from the edge and I could have sworn he looked at me, his expression grim with determination. Then he said the same words I heard on the wind many times but could never properly hear. "I'm sorry but I have to do this." He ran forward charging straight into me and we both fell over the edge. 
   The whirring noise was back louder than before and the pain in my back was intense. I began to hear peoples voices and more mechanical noises. The scene around me started to fall away like a curtain being lifted. 
   I was inside a large machine my back almost splitting open in agony and my head exploding from all the noise. I was awake at last and I was in trouble.

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