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Alex and I sat in the back seat of Bill and Fleur's car. Sadly it wasn't like Mr. Weasley's car, so it couldn't fly, but it was a good car. Dean had left for Seamus's before we left, and I had told him to send him our love when he got there.

"We're almost there guys." Bill said over his shoulder from the driver's seat as we turned into a dirt road. We came over the hill and the light from the burrow came into view. My eyes lit up at the sight of it. Alex began to act like a dog coming to a new place, bouncing up and down in his seats, giggling with happiness.

We parked next to the shed and all got out. We could hear voices from the house.

"Mum, who's here?" Ginny yelled from what I'm guessing was upstairs.

"Well I don't know Ginny, we weren't expecting anyone!" The voice of Mrs. Weasley yelled in return.

"But there's a car in the yard. It's Bill!" Ginny continued.

"Is that Alex I see?" Mr. Weasley said as his head poked out the window. There was a sudden thud! noise and Ginny laughing from inside. In almost an instant, Neville appeared in the doorway. He jumped the second half and ran towards me. I sprinted and tackled him. He engulfed me in his arms and put his head in the crook of my neck.

"I thought I lost you Jenn!" He said.

"I thought I was never going to see you again!" I exclaimed happily, hugging him tighter.

"Freddie!" Alex squealed, most likely because he saw the twins in the yard now. "Georgie!" We looked up and saw him in both Fred and George's arms, them lifting him off the ground.

"Jenni!" Ginny exclaimed once I had stood up as she ran to hug me. We embraced and they led us back inside for a rest of a good holiday.


"Don't make us go back Mrs. Weasley." Alex groaned as we walked back to the Hogwarts Express together, the lot of us.

"Now Alex, as much as I don't want you kids going," Mrs. Weasley explained. "I'm afraid you must."

"I honestly do not care anymore." I said as I walked. "I am 100% done with this whole wizard thing." Everyone looked at my weirdly. "Hogwarts I mean." They all took a breath of relief. The train whistle sounded and Mrs. Weasley hugged is all and gave us kisses on our cheeks. I found Fred and George selling toys and sweets and ran up to them and hugged them tightly.

"Woah, Emerson, you okay?" George asked, the pair of them turning towards me.

"Yeah, I'm just gonna miss you guys, a lot." I said, tearing up. They looked at each other before they gave me a bone crushing hug at the same time, lifting me off the ground so my feet were hanging in the air. I hugged them back and walked back to Neville, wiping one eye.

"Okay children, have a great half year left! Jenni and Neville, please behave yourselves and work hard, it is your last year after all!" She said as we boarded the train, giving her one final wave.

"Be sure to send us a toilet seat!" The twins said together, making me laugh.

We found an empty compartment and all slid onto the seats, Neville, Ginny and I on one side, with Dean, Alex and Seamus on the other.

"Guys, look." Seamus said, pointing out the window. We all crowded around to see a young boy being dragged off the train by a pair of men draped in black cloaks. He was quite short, possibly a first year, and had brownish hair. He was crying tears like a river and was pounding on the mens' arms, yelling for them to let go of him. They threw him towards a woman that I'm guessing was his mother.

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