"Hi" I reply back, as I come up to him.

"How much of that little performance did you hear?" He asks.

"Pretty much all of it I should say" I reply, Colt then looks back down towards his sleeping beauty. I then look towards him, and let out a smile. "That sounded incredible, you have a true gift, where did you learn to sing like that?" I ask.

Colt then looks towards me, and gives me a guilty look. "I don't really know" He replies. "It's just that from the time I was very young, music became very natural to me, and I don't just sing, I can play piano, guitar, drums, trumpet, the triangle, and basically any other type of musical instrument you can think of, I can play it."

"Really?" I then ask him, sounding slightly stunned.

Colt then nods his head, before looking back down towards Misty. "Your Aunt, the doctor, just told me that Luka agreed to donate his blood to my Misty to save her life" He says, I then nod. "Why? We were sent to kill him, why would he want to save her life? Any normal Alpha wouldn't do that. Not even Alpha Ace would've done that, so why did he?" Colt asks, looking back up towards me.

"Because he's not just any normal Alpha" I tell him." Look Colt, he maybe an Alpha. However my mate knows when to hold a grudge, and when to do the right thing. Luka also doesn't want to see anybody get hurt that doesn't rightfully deserve it, and he even told me himself before Shelby took him up to the lab. He said that, if for any reason the tables were turned, and I was the one who needed blood and he couldn't give it. He would hope that someone would step up to the plate, and come to my aid. Luka knows that Misty's the center of your world, just like I'm the center of his."

Colt then smiles so big that I can see his back row of teeth. "He sounds like a sweet and kind guy, you're lucky to have him. Gosh, I can't believe we tried to kill him, I feel so guilty now" He then says, hanging his head low.

"Don't feel guilty. Besides, Misty's not the only one who's seen Ace's angry side" I tell him.

"Wait, what do you mean by that?" Colt then asks, sounding a bit curious.

I'm about to break down and tell him about when Luka was kidnapped by his former Alpha, but then the door to the room reopens and in walks my Aunt with Luka at her side, and Shelby carrying an I.v. bag filled with blood. Luka's face looks a little pale, and he's a bit wobbly on his feet as he walks.

I then turn towards my aunt. "What's wrong with him?" I ask her.

"Nothing's wrong Sophie, his body's just lost a whole pint of blood in one day, so he'll be a little out of it for a moment, just give his body a chance to adjust" She replies. "We actually had to give him an iron pill before we brought him back here."

"I swear Sophie, your boy has the purest blood around" I whip my head around to see Shelby hooking the bag of blood to the I.V. pole on the other side of Misty's bed, after she's done Shelby then gently taps on Misty's Shoulder. "Misty. Misty" She then says softly. Misty's brown eyes slowly flutter open, and she looks towards Shelby. "Misty, your bloods here. Now I'm just going to hook this up to your I.v. catheter, it won't hurt at all" Shelby tells her. Misty response with a nod and a slight whimper, then in less than a second Shelby connects the two ends together and the blood starts flowing.

After that Shelby steps aside, and Colt presses his lips softly to Misty's in a sweet kiss. I turn away, and look over towards Luka. Now that I'm looking hard enough, I can see that he has something in his hand. It looks like a food wrapper of some kind, I think to myself.

"Hey, "Luka, watch got there?" I ask, as Shelby walks behind me and pulls up a chair for Luka to sit down in.

"Cookie" He replies as my aunt guides him over and he sits down. Luka then takes the cookie out of the wrapper, and then breaks it in half. "Here, enjoy" He says, handing the other half over to me.

Love Bite (Book 2 of the His Alpha Her Omega Series) *being edited'Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя