it's over

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Venom had vanished on the spot, Leo had Tore through the beast while aflame, destroying every trace of the beast.

Then Leo fled

The others called out to him, attesting to stop him even, but he ran.

Annabeth arrived just then, shivering and staggering through rubble and heroes. Searching everywhere

Then she saw it

The blank crumbled form below her

A scream rippled through the air as annabeth collapsed next to her husband

"Per- Percy! PERCY!".

All of this, was pure agony.

Five months later


Leo had been on the run, from heroes and demigods (mostly annabeth), all except for the others, Frank and Hazel agreed to help him.

"This can get us killed- "

"For the last time leo, this was your idea", Frank sighed, gripping his helmet before placing it on his head and slinging an arrow into his bow.

Hazel slapped Franks arm fondly, "there", Leo whispered, pointing down at the street below them

They were in Russia, don't ask, OT took forever to find a reason for this, and they felt bad for what they had to do, but if they didnt, who would?

The man below them held a gun, pointing it at a young man as he rushed back a forth between the trucks, stacking boxes full of organs

The organ their is what his file said, Percy only gave him a name, that was it, Leo stared down at the man as he shot the innocent mortal, making Hazel flinch and Frank grip his weapon.


With one movement Frank released his arrow, which sailed through the air and hit the man it the stomach, a yell echoed through the dark night,as the three demigods scaled down the fire escape and crouched behind the trucks

A flapping g sound echoed as footsteps hit the floor , the closed figure chuckled, "oh, all the lives you stole sent really helping you now are they?"

In a flash, the three lunged out, Hazel threw the chain like a whip and it wrapped around the figure, Leo stashed at the being with his sword, causing him to fall to his knees as Frank clasped the chains together in a trap.

"Sorry man, but we need you to take a break for a little while". Leo grinned, the figure growled, cloak falling back and hair falling in his face, his eyes landed on the sword Leo held.

"Ah, so the son of Poseidon really did give you his sword", Leo gripped riptide, eyes narrowing, "so?"

He laughed deeply, "this explains why the young prince decided to wait in the fields of course, he's cheating death, hmm?, well, when he does get out, and you let me free, you'll only burn you life once more"

He smirked at frank, who smilled back, confusing the god

"Oh but thanatos?" Hazel held up a key, nodding to the lock on his chain, "we thought all of this through, not only is that metal stage iron, but it's also Celestia bronze, and blessed by Poseidon himself, he was more than happy to help us"

Thanatos hung his head, "last time I saw you, daughter of Pluto, you were helping me", hazel stuck a finger in his face, "people change, I know what you did" , she snapped, eyes looking with anger

"You work for my father, that is all, you don't control life, so, why did you place Peter Parker on the death list?", death sighed in boredom

"He was just another mortal, had it of been any other hero or demigod, you never would have noticed, but he was nothing special, so I just got him out of the way", Hazel was ready to punch him,

"it's not fair!", death mused at this, "fair... I hear that word a lot in my line of work, was it fair Perseus was chosen as venoms subject? Was it fair that his wife became a widow? Was it fair when I guided Percy to the underword?."

Hazel pulled back, as if she were hit,"no", she choked, remembering the conversation on the cliff,"it's never fair, and yet it was his time, there is no fairness in death. If you free me , I can do my duty, but until then... Im sure you already have someone searching for him as we speak".

Leo smiled, before turning to the shadows, "you have no idea,"

Hazel grabbed his hand and they rushed in together, leaving Frank to guard the death angle.

When they emerge from the darkness, Nico was already there, holding the door of hell open, "come on!", he yelled, making to two rush in behind him, Leo yelled as he was blinded by darkness

"I mean, I heard the underworld was dark, but, you know, really?" Hazel laughed as they scampered down the dirt road, "change if plans, turns out Percy is in the feilds", Nico grinned, "that makes this way easier"

He turned and rushed past lost souls, weaving past then to a tree in the distance


Percy looked up and stopped walking, his face split into a smile, the scar across his eye stretched with it, "I knew you'd come", he fist bumped me, I noticed he was linking arms with someone... "Peter!"

"Shhh!", Hazel shushed me, grabbing Percy and Peters arm and dragging them in a rush, a screeched echoed over head, Nico drew his sword, "go! Ill hold them off!" , he yelled, we dashed back the way we came, "I could go for a burger right now!" Peter yelled, making Percy and Leo laugh

"Maybe when we're not being hunter for breaking a huge rule in Olympus!", Hazel shouted and dashed urge road, jumping out of the exit in the underworld, I closed up as soon as they made it though, Hazel panted, tiredness flooding her

"Nico-" Peter started, but Hazel waved her hand, " not the first time he got in trouble with them, he's fine", she pulled Percy in a hug, who gladly excepted it, "oh, how are my kids? Can they walk yet, how long have we-"

Leo gasped , covering his mouth,

"we forgot to give Frank the key"

"WHAT!", Hazel grabbed her pocket, eyes wide, " I can't shadow travel all the way back to Russia, that would kill me!", she panicked, hand fanning her face in a panicked motion

"Crap!, if we don't release him monsters will escape, opening to the underworld will form, people won't die!" Percy grabbed his hair while saying that in a rush, "where are we?!" Peter yelled

"Gods! I'm so bad at making plans!" Percy slapped his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2018 ⏰

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