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Some people see Rachel as a hippy, or and artist, or someone that works flor a big company

But honestly, to Percy, she looked like a hippy but punched like Mel Gibson.

Her face was cold, her once bright red hair was browning, and she sat across from him, a book on her lap, and a cold look on her face.

"What's, wait. Is this a dream?", she nodded, she put a finger to her lips and made a shh motion , before looking at the floor.

It was pitch black, white lines crawled over it. Percy brought his feet up, eyes wide before looking at her and she held out the book, with hesitation, Percy grabbed it.

you can get away from venom, but Leo is holding you down, get him off of you.

Kill him


Percy hissed, slamming the book shut, making Rachel flinch

"You have no other options Percy-" she started whispering, but Percy shook his head.

"When their is good and love in someone you can't just give up on them", Percy looked down at his feet, "Percy, please, camp needs you, Annabeth, you'r kids, they need you"

"And Calypso?", Rachel gave him a firm look, "she'll move on, she has before", Percy felt his fave burn, what was Rachel saying? , was this really what she wanted him to do?

"It won't be easy percy" , Percy closed his eyes, "things sent easy, but things can still be good" .

"Peter is dead Percy"

Percy froze

Eyes wide, an unbelievable word

"N- no..."

"Venom crushed him, and if you don't get free to drop him yourself. He will break free and kill others, and you know who he's after, so,


Or your children"


She gave him a sad smile

In a flash of white. Leo staggered before him ,Percy stared blankly, "holy Hades, what's that, perce?, what's happening?", he gave Percy a weak but joking smile

"I'm sorry", Leo look startled, Percy free his sword and started forward.


He slashed at Leo

And it has begun

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