A dad fear

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Percy's pov.

I slice the last doom bit and it fell to the floor, the team quickly re assembled by the jet

"Lets go!" I said and sprinted in, I heard Natasha laugh "you ready to see annabeth or what?" I shrugged and fell on a seat

Steve settled in next to me, "I can't believe it" he sighed, "your going to be a dad" I grinned an shrugged
"Hopefully the best dad" I added

Tony flipped up his mask, "no, percy do you get it?" he said with a serious face

"Your going you be a dad"

My Grin dropped, I ....
I'm going to be a dad

"I'm going to be a dad" I breathed out with wide eyes, Steve looked concerned " are you alright?" He asked

"I'm going to be a father!" I yelled and stood up, I started pace in the jet and I threw off my helmet

"What's wrong with that , man?" Clint said from the controls, "you guys are right! I'm going to be a dad, and- and I- " I stopped with a hand Over my mouth

Natasha waved a hand in front of me and Bruce glared at tony "great job, you broke him" Thor slapped me on the back an I bursted out

"I don't know what I'm doing!" I yelled while waving my hands in the air "I'm going to be a dad! with TWINS" I said , panic laced my voice

"What's wrong with having a family?" Thor asked and I whirled around to him, "what's NOT wrong! what not wrong about... about me?" my voice cracked and I put a hand on my chest

"Percy..." Steve stood and put his hands on my shoulders , "I've known you for about three years, you. are a great man, why are you so worked up about kids?"

"I'm a demigod, what if this kid, my Kids, get hurt because of what I am?" I said and shrugged his hands off

"Percy-" I cut him off my walking past him and sinking on the chair, "i don't wanna talk about it" I muttered

I said my goodbyes when the team dropped me off on the roof of my home with annabeth

"Percy, you should talk to annabeth, your just having a dad panic" Natasha claimed, I nodded , the jet door slid up and closed I heard a sharp slap and tony yell, "ouch! damit nat, I'm said I was sorry!"

I walked in and hung my helmet on the door frame
Annabeth looked up from her place on the coach and saw my grim look

"Are you alright, seaweed brain?" she put her book to the side, I shrugged off my chest plate and in strapped my arm guards

"I don't even know..." I sighed, I kicked off my shoes and walked into the kitchen

I grabbed a beer

And fell down on the sofa next to annabeth, she eyes my drink as I took a gulp from it

"Percy, what are you thinking?" she asked and pulled her legs to her chest

"I'm going to be a dad"

She looked looked at me in amusement "well, that much I figured..." I shook my head

"No, annabeth, I'm going to be father, your going to be a mother! aren't you worried?" I asked and swung my right hand out, my beer dropped on the floor in front of me

"Worried about what?" she asked and I leaned forward, my elbows on my knees, and took another drink

"We're demigods, annabeth" I said mournfully , her legs fell over the couch , she threw her hands up "that's what this is about? gods, your such and idiot!" she yelled

"Oh, I'm an idiot for being afraid, being scare for our kids future? it can be a curse for them!" I snapped back and she looked as angry as me

"A curse? you have the same dam curse and so do i, look at you! you became an avenger, got married and now your panicking over two kids!" she snapped

She continued her rant, "and don't even tell me that your scared, because you were never scared before the first war, or in tar-" I stood up and dropped my beer

"Don't you even bring up that place, it has nothing to do with this!" I yelled and she stood up as well, a piercing glared threw at me but I glared back

"It's who you are, it's who we are, we can't run away from it", we were both upset, a fight could brake out any second

"Well we can be dam sure out kids don't have to deal with it! and don't tell me your not scared, you... you've always been scared!" I yelled back

My eyes watered slightly but I brushed it off with a glare "that's why I have you, you... you've been the one to protect me... are you telling me you don't want to start a family..." She said quietly

She was crying

I felt horrible

"No! I do I really do! I'm just... I'm scared, gods I'm so scared for the kids and for you, the life of a demigod won't be easy, and with me working and you working... and camp..."

I trailed of and put a hand on my forehead , "I have no clue what I'm doing" I laughed, "well I don't ether!" she said and suddenly pulled are hands together

Fingers linked together between us, "that's good, this is good! we both don't no what were doing!" she laughed and I smiled weakly and pulled her forward

I put a hand around her waist and twirled her around, she laughed, "we really rushed into this..." I muttered but placed a firm kiss on her cheek

"I have an idea, were both stressed out, maybe we could go out, with friends... it would be nice..." I muttered and she nodded into my shoulder

"I love you"

"I love you to..."

So we sat there....

And talked

And danced

Turns out, I'm a good dancer

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