
3.5K 97 65

Alan rickman

I starting this small chapter off, with sadness because this amazing man has passed away

He was a great actor and a greater man and I'm really sad he's passed away...

I'm also here to say I'm kinda upset with one person that got to read my story's

This guy sent me a nude and I'm very upset, (not you JD)

But I will no longer speak to anyone that messages me on Kik, sure I spoke to a few, I even made a really good friend that lives near me and he's supper sweet

I'm just upset someone did that, but I'm cool with these comments tho

You guys...

Oh God's how do I say this?

You guys are incredible, when I said I bisexual you were ok with that, when I had hard times you guys were ok with that

I love you guys because you inspire me to be me, I was always silent and distant at school

I always wondered who I was before the world told me who I need to be

But you guys comment and make me laugh at my mistakes, but in a good way,

I can't thank you enough for helping me, oh!, and I forgot to say I have not joined the acadumy of titans...

I joined the health acadumy of gladiators

I'm studying to be a trauma nurse at a children's hospital, yay

I'll update soon, promise,

And I'll work on demigod games, and the others... luv. Yall bye!

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