2: the sigh of relief

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quick note: dedicated to my sunshine, my baby, my inspiration and one of the strongest women i know. love you tons lauren, i hope you enjoy the chapter (if you decide to read it). <3

edited 24/06/17

2: the sigh of relief


It's just as awkward as it can possibly get when I go to my locker to leave my books before I head home because a certain idiot is unwillingly following me and keeps talking about a new indie band he discovered yesterday.

To be fair, it wouldn't be as difficult if he could keep his fucking mouth shut. Jesus, I swear, the day he shuts up is the day I become vegetarian. I laugh on the inside while chewing on my chicken sandwich. Yeah, not happening anytime soon.

"Luke, do you ever shut up," I interrupt him while shoving my books into the locker and hitting his hand with my locker door multiple times in the process, "because I'm not even sorry for accidentally beating the shit out of your hand right now. You are so annoying today."

"No, it's just that you never spend that much time with me to even notice that I've always been like this," he smiles at me.

I ignore the comment. Maybe now he will... shush.

"And don't worry about the hand. It will get worse when I need to pee because you need both of your hands--"

"Ok, dude, too much info, please stop," I cringe and close the locker. We head towards the main exit where the bus is waiting to get us home.

The rope really is kinda comfortable, just like Mrs Hood told us, but I already feel the burns it's started to give me. I wish there was a way to get this over with in a day instead of weeks.

That's when Luke stops, making me lurch backwards.

"What the hell?"

"I've just realised, Luna."

I stand here, looking at him expectingly but he doesn't get the hint. I roll my eyes deeply in my soul but only sigh on the outside.

"What?" I ask him finally.

He looks at me wide-eyed and then glances at the rope quickly.

"We have to get this off of us. And I have an idea. We cannot shower nor dress up if we share a wrist and we can't just go on without showering for three damn weeks, right?" he says and I suddenly want to hug the living shit out of him. He's a damn genius!


I wake up on the floor, with my arm muscles in so much pain that I start to think someone tried to seize it off during my sleep. Really, hurts like a bitch. Never again.

I sit up and rub the sleep out of my eyes with one hand because the other doesn't want to move. I tug on it but it's still not moving. I mean, I know that 100% is stubborn and petty but, dear arm, please move. I dare to look at it and realisation hits me.

I see Luke Hemmings sprawled on his back in his unmade bed, snoring loudly with his mouth hanging open and his arm sprung my direction. Then I notice the awful red rope that's still connecting our wrists.

It's so different to all the things I've read in books about waking up with a man. The characters sometimes wake up laying under men (and the girls are dying of underoxidation) or laying on them (and the guys are dying of underoxidation), sometimes hugged tightly (and both are dying of underoxidation). They surely don't wake up on the floor with their arm on the bed because it's tied to the man, though. Fuck my life. This is a crappy romance (well, if romance at all. Because, is it?).

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