1: the hideous rope

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1: the hideous rope

edited 24/06/17


No, man. I don't feel like having a cup of coffee.

It's the third day of September, the third day of hell itself some people like to call school. Well, I don't. I don't use nicknames for evil things.

It's also the third day of having to look at my three ex-boyfriends, two of them accompanied by some girls already (no offense to the girls - I only hate the guys), my annoying neighbour Lucas Hemmings and the devil of this hell herself (or should I say, hellself, ha, just say it wasn't clever) a.k.a. my sister Georgia.

Imagine how many times a day she has to hear puns with a name like this. "Yo, gurl, you know you're more of a Georgeous to me" or "If you're Georgia then I'm Handsome". It sucks and I'd really feel for her.

If she wasn't such a bitch to me and to the entire world that doesn't kneel in front of her.

Okay. I feel like I've gone way too far and you're all very confused. Let me explain.

My name is Luna Parker. And this is my school project. Goal: basically to keep out of my entire life for twenty one days. (Yes, I can hear you squealing in the background because of TOP. Sigh.)

Anyway, back to the topic.

My name is Luna Parker, this is my school project, blah, blah, blah. I am one of the populars at my school but it's not like everywhere else - where they are either all bitches and assholes or they ignore everyone who is not one of them. We're normal, just like everyone else, except those "everyone elses" talk about us. You know, people just have to talk sometimes.

Oh, and if you're all confused about me swearing here - it's fine with my teacher. She said it was all A-okay for us to swear and talk shit about her because she wants us to treat this like an actual experiment on ourselves. But to understand the purpose of all of this, I'm going to throw you back a few days.


(Aren't these like the cutest? I hope Mrs Hood doesn't lower my grade because of them, holy crap)

Just as we entered the classroom, the teacher turned to us with a wide grin. We all smelled something very fishy because whenever Mrs Hood smiled, it meant trouble. I turned to Nia, one of my friends, who gave me a knowing look. Assignment.

"Babies!" she shouted enthusiastically. That's her thing - calling her students babies. She never treats us like she would treat her children though, at least I hope she wouldn't abuse her kids with pop quizes and tons of homework. It's not that cool now, is it?

I don't even know if she has children, I've just realised. Mrs Hood, do you have children?

"I wanted you to do something else this year, you know? Something you would work on for months, not a project you will hand in after having burnt the midnight oil the night before deadline. That's why I've brought this."

She pulled a book from behind her but I couldn't tell what the title said. I forgot my glasses and apparently my sight was worse than I thought because the book was just a hot pink rectangle with a white splash in the middle. Well, that's inconvenient.

"What's that book?" I asked Peter, who just shrugged and started making doodles on his notebook's cover, like he would every other day. He sometimes changes his notebooks before he runs out of paper just because he ran out of doodle-free spots on the covers.

"'Truth or dare ideas for parties'. Why don't you have your glasses on, Luna?" I heard so I turned to my left to see Lucas Hemmings looking at me questioningly. He was sitting on his chair with his legs crossed under him and his hands in his lap.

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