Just A Love (part 1)

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"Nev, I know your girl is pregnant, but let's read this email." Max says, sitting in front of a laptop, waiting for Nev to stop talking so that they could read about a new situation.

"Dear Nev and Max, there's this girl. Her name is... well, that's the thing. I don't know her name–Wow, this already sounds bad."

"Shush, I'm intrigued, keep reading." Max says, focusing his camera on the laptop screen. Nev rolls his eyes, but continues anyways.

"We met on Tumblr, her pen name being ssweet-dispositionn. She seemed like a chill girl and a fun time, so I started talking to her. Turns out, we have much in common. We've never taken it further then Tumblr, so I don't even have her phone number– again, this is bad."

"Would you just– keep reading, please."

"Tumblr Girl, which is the nickname I've given her until further notice, claimed that she had feelings for me since Day One. Me, being the delusional, sappy romantic fangirl that I am, admitted my feelings back.

"So, we've been together for about four years. I know what you're thinking, "Why wait so long?" Well, she is infact my first girlfriend, and I didn't know what to say or do but be all lovey dovey with her.

"Why would you wait that long though?"

"She just explained why."

"Yeah, but that answer sucks."

"To cut to the chase, I've tried reaching out to her by Skype and Snapchat, but there's always a lame excuse given on her part as to why we can't. 'Oh, my phone isn't working that well, babe.' 'I have to eat. Don't want me getting sick, right?'

"I don't like the secrets that she's keeping, they're practically crawling at my skin as if I should know, as if it's so obvious, but I don't. Anyways, Nev, Max, will you help me find my Catfish? Sincerely, Camila Cabello. P.S.: I'm only seventeen, by the way. Is that bad?"

"What?!" Max yells, startling Nev and their camera crew.

"Nev, she's underage! Can we even take on this case? They've been dating since she was," Max pauses, counting on his fingers, "twelve! Twelve, Nev! What have we gotten ourselves into?"

"Don't worry, man. Let's just check this out. If anything, it will be a totally procedural case." Nev reassures, clapping a hand onto Max's shoulder.

"Y-yeah, this case will be a walk in the park."


"Why, hello there, Miss Camila." Max says teasingly.

"Am I supposed to sound excited, or shocked?" The brunette asks.


"Fine.. OHMIGOD, IT'S NEV AND MAX! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU ANSWERED MY EMAIL, THIS IS CRAZY! OMG, THAT'S ACTUALLY MAX'S CAMCORDER! KILL ME NOW!" Nev and Max chuckle at the young girls' antics, and also her mother reprimanding her from the living room.

"Is this actually happening?" Camila then says in a normal tone.

"Yes, it is. So hey Camila, we read your email and found your situation really interesting. Albeit, I believe it will be near impossible because you don't have Tumblr Girls' number, but we'll try our best to find your catfish."

"I've been trying to track her down for a while now, I really hope you guys can help me find her. I've wanted to meet her for five years now."

"Don't worry, we'll crack this case wide open. Right, Max?"

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