Chapter 2: Mates Be Gone

Start from the beginning

"Well, I think that you should tell them what happened. See how they react. Then decide if you want to accept them or not."

"But how do I know if I can trust them with the story?"

"Have they rejected you yet?"


"Well then you can trust them."

"Really?" I ask and he nods his head. "I love you!" I say and roll over on my stomach. I look at him. He looks back.

"I love you too."

Right then Rachel burst through the door. "Dude! My door!" Jamie says.

Rachel looks at the damage and then shrugs and says "You can fix it."

"Ugh, please remind me why you are friends with her!" Jamie says to me.

"Um, I can't remember right now. But can you too just accept that you are mates!" Rachel and Jamie have known each other for a while. They are totally mates, but they are developed enough to know it or they aren't ready to have a mate. The only reason why I known is because I am an Alpha.

"Hey! We just want all the facts before we jump to conclusions," Rachel says.

"Oh, and my Alpha nose isn't enough? Fine whatever!"

"Oh just chill out. We know we are mates! We are just waiting." Jamie says. He gets up off of the bed and walks over to Rachel. He wraps a arm around Rachel and Rachel's face is redder than red.

"Come on guys! They Alpha's family just arrived." Rachel says. I get off of the bed and walk over to the door. Before I walk out I tell Rachel "Just so we are clear, he might be my mate but he is still my pre-mate and best friend. Understood?"

"Understood, now we really have to go." I walk through the back door and find the party. The whole pack is here or will be here. The new pack is also here. People are arriving every minute. I walk down the steps, Jamie and Rachel in tow. When I am down on the lawn, the Luna and Alpha come over to me.

"JJ, its great to see your beautiful face around here. I haven't seen it in a while." Alpha Jack says to me.

"Oh, sorry Alpha. I have been really sick lately. But I am glad that I can be here,"

"And we are glad you can be healthy enough to be here." Luna Alice says.

"JJ, can I talk to you alone?" Alpha says.

"Of course, I will catch up with you Luna." I say with a smile and she smiles back. Alpha and I walk over to a area where no one can here us.

"I am assigning two bodyguards to you tonight. You and I both know that you are too sick to be here. If someone gets to close, you will be pulled away. And no fighting me! Got it?"

I just shake my head yes.

"Ok, your bodyguards are Tyler and Sam" He waves his hand and Tyler and Sam start to head over to us. When they reach us, I say hi to them.

When everything is worked out the Alpha goes back to the Luna. I turn to the boys and we start talking. They are both coming on the trip tonight.

"I am so excited! I can't wait,"

"Yeah, I know what you mean. I can't wait to get out of here."

The night goes on normal until two boys with blue and brown eyes arrive.

* * *

"Welcome, my name is Luna Alice and this is JJ. We just wanted to say welcome." Luna says to some pack members that are joining ours. I put on my best smile.

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