Chapter Fifteen.

Comincia dall'inizio

I quickly pushed Nathan off of my and ran my hand through my hair.


“Mrs. Prince.” Nathan coughed.

“Don’t mind me guys. I was your age once. Oh and Necole I’m not going to be here all next weekend so ask one of your friends or whatever if you can stay. You know how I don’t like you staying here alone in this ghetto ass neighbourhood.” With that she walked out the front door.

I ran and locked the door and looked over at Nathan. “You think your parents will let me stay over?”

“What they don’t know won’t kill them.”

“Good.” I walk over to kiss him.

He grabs my hands. “Come on I want you to come over.”

“I’m going to have to change first.” I say sitting on his lap.

“Fine, hurry up.” He laughed.

I ran into my room and put on a navy blue romper and picked my sandals out of the closet.

“Ok, I’m ready.”

“Let’s go.” He stuck out his hand so I could grab it. I locked the door and ran downstairs towards his car.

“So when are you going to let me drive?” I say right before getting in.

“I’m going to have to make you take an oath before you drive my baby.”

I put on my seatbelt. “I thought I was your baby?”

“Don’t make me choose.”

I smacked his shoulder. “Drive.”

The drive wasn’t very long, even though I would have killed to change the radio and listened to some real tunes.

“Here we are.” Nathan says pulling up in his drive way. There were three other cars in the drive way.

“I came up here before, remember?”

“That, I do remember.” He got out of the car and I did the same. “I think my brothers are here. Good timing for you to meet them.”

“I guess so.” I took his hand and headed for the front door.

“Nathan!” A taller look-a-like of Nathan opened the door. “And you must be Necole?”

“Right.” I smiled.

“I’m Tristan.” He stepped aside letting us in.

“Nice to meet you.”

“Tristan I-“Around the corner was a woman in her early twenties, with the same skin color as mine and a ring that was blinding.

“You must be Necole!” She squealed. She ran up to hug me.

“Uhh Hi?”

“Sorry, I’m a hugger and I’m also Destiny. Tristan’s fiancée. Nathan has told me all about you.”

“Has he?” I looked over at Nathan as he shrugged.

“Well.” Nathan says grabbing my hand again. “I’m going to steal my girlfriends for a while.”

“Don’t have too much fun.” Tristan winks. He put his arm around Destiny.

“Necole are you staying for dinner?” Destiny asks.

“Sure I’d love too.”

“Great! I need to set another plate then.” She ran off into the kitchen with Tristan behind her.

“Come on lets go.” Nathan whispered in my ear.

“So this is Nathaniel’s room.” I say staying in the door way as he lay on his bed. “Very nice.” I walk over to sit beside him before he gets up to close the door.

“What was that for?” I ask.

“Just in case.” He bent down as I held the sides of his face, and he slowly kissed me. I pushed myself further on the bed. He put his arms around me and kissed me harder. Not that I was complaining, next he slowly bit down on my lip making me go wild. Then he started kissing down my jaw line.

“You know it’s hard to stop right?”

“Don’t remind me.” He mumbled against my neck.

He turned to look at me, but I bit my lip and turned my head.

“Look at me.” He whispered.

I slowly turned and looked in his blue eyes.

“I love you Necole.”

Right before I was about to say anything else he put his finger on my lips. “I know you might think it’s too soon but I really do.”

“Nathan I-”

“No, don’t say anything. I just wanted to say it first so you have to say it another time.”

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