Paris Holds The Key To Your Heart

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Paris is sparkling in the morning sun air, as many people were chatting amongst each other. While this is happening, an old car enters the city and winds it's way along to Sophie's house. Braedey is giving Anya a last minute quiz.

"Well, three days ago, I didn't have any past at all and now I'm trying to remember an entire lifetime." Anya sighed.

"That's why you've got me. Now where was Uncle Boris from?" Braedey asked Anya.

"Moscow?" Anya answered.

They soon pull up at Sophie's house. Anya is nervous as Lightning walks up to the front door. Lightning knocks on the door.

"Oui, Monsieur?" A maid asked.

Sophie then comes to the door, and gasps in delight at who was at the door.

"Sophie Stanislovskievna Somorkov-Smirnoff!" Lightning cheers in happiness, then bowed in respect. "An honour to see you at last after all this time."

"Lightning Vanya. This is unexpected. Oh, but look at me. Where are my manners? Come in, come in, everyone. I'm palpitating with amazement, and shock and surprise. All three." Sophie stands back as Lightning, Braedey and Anya enter.

Before Pooka can cross the threshold, the door is slammed shut, and he bumps into it with his nose. Quickly, he jumps to the window box, and presses his face to the glass.

In the dining room, Anya enters. She moves with grace and regal poise.

"May I present her Imperial Highness, the Grand Duchess: Anastasia Nikolayenva!" Lightning introduced.

"Oh my heavens - she certainly does look like Anastasia! But so did many of the others. Where were you born?" Sophie asked.

"At the Peterhoff Palace." Anya replied.


"And how does Anastasia like her tea?" Sophie asked.

"I don't like tea, just hot water and lemon." Anya replied.

Outside, the sundial showed the passing of time, then back to Pooka who is now pacing in the planter box. The flowers are destroyed.

"Good." Sophie replied. "Finally you'll most likely find this an impertinent question, but indulge me. How did you escape during the siege of the palace?"

Braedey and Lightning exchange a nervous look. It's obvious they never briefed Anya on this one. Anya is silent for a moment, then:

"There was a boy. A boy who was in the palace. He, he looked familiar to me, as old as I was. He felt close to me, like the brother I always wanted. He, he had a gun in his hands. He broke down a door, and fired at some people, saving my life..."

Braedey is shocked. He knows this IS Anastasia Romanov, because he was there as it happened. He wanders outside, but Anya doesn't see him.

" she a Romanov?" Lightning asked.

"She answered every question." Sophie replied.

Anya's face lights up. "You hear that, child... You did it!" Lightning smiled. Anya hugs Lightning. "So, when do we go and see the Empress?" He asked Sophie.

"I'm afraid you don't." Sophie sighed.

"Come again, my dear pet?"

"The Empress simply won't allow it."

"Now Sophie, my bright diamond. Surely you can think of some way to arrange a brief interview with the Dowanger. I refuse to budge till an answer occurs to you. Please."

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