Who the HELL Am I?-Chap 1:Can't Make Me

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Hey guys!! This is your little friendly pre-chapter section, where basically I tell you when to expect the next update, or to beg for your forgiveness because I took too long (which I will do in the next chapter).  

Thanks so much for reading!


P.S - I'm not sure whether I should continue with this story so please post/comment your opinion...should I just let it drop or should I keep going???


**Chapter 1: Can't Make Me**

My legs screamed in agony, threatening to collapse on me if I didn't take mercy on them. But I could't afford to, the hooded figures that pursued me were closing in all to quickly and despite my lack of strength I just had to keep going. I knew I had nowhere to go. Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide...and they knew that too.

Whipping out a small dagger from my belt, I backed away and growled menacingly, trying to scare them off despite the panic coursing through my veins

"I don't want to, you can't make me go back! I WON'T GO BACK!!!"

 I swear one of them smirked at me. Just when I was about take off running again, one of them lunged and tackled me. The rest followed suit , grabbing my arms, and began to constrain me with a thick rope, or at least they tried. I looked around, scanning for possible escape options. As soon as I saw my opportunity, I jerked my knee into the groin of the one that was tying me up, praying that it was a male. With my elbow I jabbed another in the gut, leaving whoever it was doubled over gasping for breathe and slammed sideways into another, pushing them out of my way.

'Like hell I'm going down without a fight. I'mma kick all of your asses--' I cursed as I finished punching one of my pursuers straight in the face, when all of the sudden something that felt like a heavy piece of wood collide with the side of my head and felt something gush from the side of my head. I raised my hand to the side of my head, pulling it back to confirm what I already knew, and saw it smeared with a sticky red liquid.

I managed to mumble "Damn bastards-..." before the darkness began to consume me. I felt the moist forest floor rush up to meet me and was barely able to lift my eyelids enough to see a tall dark-haired guy appear out of nowhere and start attacking those closest to me, creating a protective arc around my body as the rest began to flee in panic...


I opened my eyes, and let out a deep sigh of relief, glad for the nightmare to be over. This bed is so wide and comfortable, the pillow felt as soft and fluffy as cloud, the cool crisp linen soothing against my throbbing headache. Hoping that maybe the headache, I blinked my eyes rapidly, clearing my head and fully waking myself up. Wait, what the hell am I doing here! I was in a fancy enormous room in what was probably some huge luxurious house, when I was supposed to be...err, I don't remember anymore. 

Wait, I can't remember... no, it can't be...shit, holy freakin shit, I LOST MY MEMORY!!!

I screwed my eyes shut, hoping that i was still sleep/dreaming and praying that i would soon wake up.

'When i open my eyes i will be awake and this freakish nightmare will be over' i chanted over and over again to myself in my head, then i slowly counted to 3 and opened my eyes...only to see that nothing had changed.

Starting to hyperventilate, I frantically looked to the foot of the bed and saw two EXTREMELY hot guys frowning in concern at me; at least that's what it looked like to me. They were complete opposites of each other; one had slanted blond hair with sparkling clear blue eyes that made you feel like you're swimming in the ocean, and the other had straight black hair with a red tips, and pitch black fathomless eyes that seemed to have no end, both staring at me as though they were looking at my bare soul.

I quickly looked away from their steady penetrating gazes,"Who the hell are you two?" I asked them abruptly, not caring if I sounded bitchy or not (which I probably did). But look at it this way; I was in some stranger's house, in their room, and in their bed, with no idea who the hell I was or what I was doing there! I think I have grounds to be bitchy, don't you? 

I crossed my arms and stared at both of them, waiting for an answer.

My eyes lingered on the guy 'He looks kinda like the guy who saved me in my nightma- no no, my memory' i corrected myself 'if that really was real, then i really owe him. I should probably say thanks'

The dark-haired one smirked "Thank you NOT accepted," then stood up and walked to the door, stopping with his hand on the handle "If it," he indicated toward me with a toss of his head " can talk like that, it's gonna be alright" I shot daggers at him with my eyes as he left the room.

"I AM NOT A FREAKING 'IT'," I yelled at him just as he slammed the door "AND I NEVER SAID THANK YOU DIPSHIT!" I sank back into the bed, wondering how he knew what i was thinking. I felt like taking one of the millions of pillows on the bed, running after him and smothering him with it, instead I grabbed a pillow and flung at the door with all of the strength left in me (which wasn't very much). 

I SO take back what I said about him, he's not that good looking, he's more pain-in-the-ass looking. Next time I see him I'm going to- 

"-lright?" said the blond, worry written all over his sympathetic face.

"Huh?" I said in confusion, I had been so deep in thoughts of revenge that I hadn't heard him correctly. 

"I asked if you were alright," he paused for a moment, then stood up and bowed "...Alexander, at your service" then he gently took my hand and kissed it. I blushed, not knowing what to do or say. I should probably introduce myself but I don't even remember who I am...Shit, shit, shit! What the hell is my freakin name! I meet an uber hot guy, and I can't remember who I am, where I come from, and why I'm here...My life...so not bueno right now.

"I-" I stuttered, unsure of what to say "-don't remember who I am..." He smiled, not one of those fake plastic smiles, his smile was friendly, warm, and inviting. I wanted to duck my head because I was going to melt into the covers right then and there, but instead I looked at him...odd, why are two of his teeth longer that the rest? They look kind of like a... like a vampire's.

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