Chapter 29

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Chapter 29. Un-edited. My apologies for the short length. Thank you for still reading, voting, and commenting. <3 ya!

Vote, fan, comment! Thanks :D

"We need to talk." Ian goes from caressing my cheek to squeezing my chin painfully.

I feel my heart fluttering in my chest as his nose touches mine.

But for some reason the fluttering slows just as quick as it came and an ounce of courage flows through me.

"Yeah let's talk... let's talk about how much I hate you and your unborn demon seed." I sneer while pushing him away.

His light green eyes show shock. "Now that...that is gold. Didn't think you had it in you." He chuckles as he presses down on my stomach with his other hand, causing me to yelp in pain.

"See Ava...That's. Why. You. Shouldn't. Fucking. Talk. Back. To. Me!" He roars as he presses harder on my stomach. My eyes get watery as I tremble with fear.

"Do we have an understanding?" He raises his eyebrows and I nod my head while whimpering from the pain in my stomach.

"Good." He sighs as he pulls me into a tight hug."And if you think I'm letting it go that you ran off and made your mom call the police then babe you're wrong." He whispers.

My eyes hold panic as he pulls out of the hug, expecting a response.

"I-I didn't make her call t-them! B-but I'm glad she d-did!" Dammit, why did I say that? And now I'm back to stuttering because of this jerk.

He smirks sly as I try to hold his intimidating green eyed glare but his smirk turns to a grin. Before I know it, he yanks me up and pushes me to the floor. The lamp from the nightstand falls with me as I cringe from the pain in my wrist.

The next thing I feel is an immense pressure on my neck. I gasp for air as his foot presses hard against my throat.

"I'll say it slowly so your dumbass can understand. If you won't let them go then I will for you." My eyes flutter from the cut off circulation in my neck and I scratch his bare foot as he continues pressing down.

By this time tears roll down my cheeks as I'm gagging because of the lack of oxygen coming into my lungs.

"And noone will find you because you belong to me. You're always going to be mine. Got it?" My legs and right arm flail restlessly as his foot presses down harder.

I manage to cough out the word "Y-yes." I give into him to stop my burning throat. But just because I gave in doesn't me I'm his. If we have to fight all day then fine by me.

"Good. Now let's get you cleaned up."


After I bathed and received another one of Ian's long shirts, I was brought back to the basement and chained to the same rusty pipe.

"Joel will be back with takeout so I'll bring you food later."

Me? Just me?

"W-what about Dana and Jared? Are you giving them something?" They have to eat too. I don't care if I eat or if this baby starves.

"I'll bring you food later, Ava. I already told you not to question me." And with that he kisses my forehead before walking up the basement steps and slamming the door.

"Welcome back." Jared jokes while I just sit in complete silence, hugging myself.

"I know this is kinda random, but did you run track or something? Because damn you can run." He whistles and it takes everything in me not to laugh.

But I continue my silence.

"Still not talking, huh?" Why can't he just shut up and realize that I'm trying to make it easier. If he's going to die then it's best that we don't connect on any level.

"Oh Dana dear, can you tell Ava to stop giving me the silent treatment because her voice is pure and lovely like an angel's and should be heard by all...Nevermind, that's crappy. Just tell her to please talk to me."

"Dude shut the hell up. I'm tired and hungry. And in case you didn't know, I'm not in the mood to listen to your lame attempt at flirting." Her voice is groggy as she sits up.

I burst into laughter but it's quickly replaced with a grimace as I have the urge to puke again.

I crawl as far as I can before vomiting on the cement floor.

"Gross." Jared whines but I ignore him.

"What is wrong with me!" I lay down on the mattress while rubbing my stomach. This is the worst feeling ever. It's like being sick when you're not sick, if that makes sense.

"Morning sickness." They both state in unison.

"Ugh, when will it go away?"

"Wow I never thought I'd see my bestie prego. Haha."

"Just answer the question!" I snap.

"Geez, okay...It depends on the woman and since you're in your first trimester you should expect it anytime of day everyday or week."

"Oh. And sorry Dana cakes."

She rolls her eyes at the same time our stomachs growl.

"Is he trying to fucking starve us?"

"This isn't the Hilton so what do you expect?" Jared sighs while Dana gives him the finger.

And just like that we all release the loud, pleasing sound of laughter. It's weird because of the dilemma we're in. And the mind boggling question is why are we even laughing? Why am I even laughing? We should be pissed. I should be pissed. Ian has taken everything from me. My home life, my friends, my happiness, and now he's threatening my parents. I shouldn't be laughing. I should be trying to get out of here so I can save Dana, Jared, and my parents.

As I hear Dana and Jared's laughter, I can't help but see a horrible fate for them and another horrible memory for me. Their fate is to die in this hellhole while mine is baring this asshole's child. I'd gladly trade with them.

"Ava? You okay?"Dana asks worriedly.

Somethings has to be done. Even if that means saving them while I'm left here. If that's what I need to do then I'll make that sacrifice. Because although I don't deserve this, they don't either.

"Dana, I need you to look for anything sharp. A knife, chainsaw, rock or something that we could use to free ourselves."

"Why can't he help us?" Dana scoffs.

"Let me just wiggle out of these chains and come help." Jared remarks sarcastically.

"Guys, seriously. Please stop. We need to get out of here." As much as I love a good laugh, there's not much time for that.

"After all of that you still want to leave?" Jared asks seriously.

"Yeah." Yes I want to leave. Any sane person would. But I know I'm not too sane anymore and I know I'm not leaving here. So for now my goal is to get them out of here and make them think I'm leaving with them. If I ran off Ian would just catch me again then kill them. It's better for everyone if I led them out then returned to this dreaded prison so Ian would have no reason to punish me. He wouldn't kill them because I came back. Maybe he'd just let them go instead of bothering to chase them. Well, that's what I'm hoping. We just have to find a way to cut these chains first.

Sorry for the awful chapter. I promise it will get better.

Make You Mine [Un-edited Version]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن