I wake up at about midnight. I sit up and watch Natsu as he peacefully sleeps. He used to snore....really loudly. But now, he doesn't. I guess it just shows you how much people can change. I stroke his hair and smile. I hear a loud crash and Natsu shoots up, hitting my head.
"Owwww..." I say rubbing my head.
"Sorry Luce, but what was that?" He says.
"I don't know." I say as I get up and quickly change. I put on a black vest and orange shorts. I run to Plue's room and let him out while Natsu goes to the front door. I run to the door with Plue. Natsu grabs my hand and pulls me to the village. Plue barking angrily at something all the way.

The village was in flames. People were running around the place. Natsu set to work on eating the flames. Gray and Juvia were trying to extinguish it. Melody was redirecting it away from the village and towards the ocean. I hear a loud crash again.
"ERZA, TAKE NATSU, MELODY AND LUCY AND GO TO THE LOUD CRASH! GAJEEL AND LEVY, YOU GET ACNOLGIA OUT OF HERE!"Masters voice echoed everywhere. Before long, my hand was grabbed by Natsu and I was pulled away. Erza and Melody ran in front of us. Happy flew in the air.

We find it. It's a large crater. It looks like someone decided to shoot an asteroid at it. We slide into it and step into the centre.
"It's quiet. Too quiet." Erza says.
"Aye..." Happy says.
"Something doesn't feel right." Melody says. I get a tingling in my stomach.
"I feel it too." I say.
"What is it?" Natsu says. He and Melody sniff the air. Natsu looks confused and Melody widens her eyes.

"What is it Mel?" Erza asks.
"No, it can't be him, no no no." Melody says as she paces back and forth.
"Can't be who, Melody?" I ask.
"Oh god, not now, why him?" She says. Still pacing. What is wrong with her? Her wolves, who followed us, look worried.
"Why who, Melody, you're not making any sense." Natsu says.
"This isn't good, this is really really bad." She says.
"Melody, what's wrong?" Happy asks.
"It's the person that's coming!" She half yells. We gathered that.

I hear something above me. I look up to see a man floating down. He lands on the ground. Melody and her wolves snarl. Plue stands protectively in front of Dynasty and the pups. He has green eyes, tan skin and purple eyes. He's wearing black, purple and green armour.
"Nice to see you Melody." He says.
"Zayn." Is all Melody says. Her wolves snarl more viciously.
"Is that anyway to say hi?" He says.
"After what you did, I'm certain this is me being nice to you." She says angrily. I'm about to say something when Erza stops me.
"This is between them." She says. She knew him. I looked over at Natsu. He was glaring at Zayn. Happy looked like he wanted to kill him. Just who is he?

"Who's your new friend?" He says. Natsu covers me, blocking my sight of him.
"A person that's none of your business." Melody says. "Now leave, before I rip you to shreds."
"I'm afraid I can't do that." Is all he says before I hear him snap his fingers. Erza faints. Then Melody. Then Happy. Then Natsu. Then I'm enveloped in darkness.

I awake in some kind of cloud. I'm alone.
"Guys!?" I call out. No answer.
"Guys!?" I call out louder. Silence. I start panicking. The ground in front of me glows golden. A woman appears.
"MUM!" I yell as I hug her. "What are you doing here." I pull away.
"Listen child, there is not much time." She says. "You must defeat Zayn at all costs. He's set out to having the power of Zeref, and at this rate, he'll have it."
"But how do I stop him?" I ask.
"You must travel to ironbook village. There you will meet a girl named Aurelia. Take her with you, she will be important. Then, head to knightprince village. There, you will find the weapons needed. The owner of them will tell you how they work. Next, go to icelake village. There, in the library, you will find the information that you need to take advantage of his magic. Lastly, head to flamekey (me: see what I did there?)village, there, you will get magical clothes that enhance your abilities. During your travels, you will encounter dragons, they will help you. Once you have done all of this, head to starheaven village. That is where you will defeat him." My mother starts disappearing.
"Wait MUM!" I yell.
"Remember Lucy, you're friends are with you." She says.
"Luce? Luce!? Luce!!?"

I wake up gasping for air.
"You alright Luce?" Natsu asks. He's sitting beside me.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I say. He helps me to my feet.
"Are you sure you want to do this Mel?" Erza asks." He's you-"
"I don't care what he is, he hurt my friends, and now Fairytail, that's unforgivable." Melody says. She sees me awake and walks over to me.
"How you feeling?" She asks.
"I'm good." I say.
"You dreamt something didn't you?" She says. How did she know?
"Y-Yes, how did you know?" I ask.
"We all dreamt something. We were all told how to defeat him." Natsu says. Erza approaches us.
"Let's go get everyone then." Erza says.
"Wait, my father, the person in my dream, told me that only us, Lucas, Levy, Gajeel, Jellal, Gray and Juvia could go. Happy and the animals too." Melody says.
"Then let's go get them!" Natsu says.

We get back to the village. The flames had gone now. We find Levy and Gajeel. Natsu and I run up to them and tell them what happened. After hearing 'Zayn', they seemed to anger. They agreed to come. Same with Juvia and Gray. And Jellal and Lucas. There was something about Zayn that I didn't know. We get to the docks and Melody summons a boat for us. We get on.

"Lucy, I suppose I should tell you about Zayn." Melody says. We both sit down.

Melody narrating

Zayn was once a good kid. We was one of the nicest people I knew. Then one day, something broke him. I still don't know what happened. He started to learn about blood magic rituals that increased his power, but at the same time, it made him.....not him.

One day, he'd killed Levy's mum. He also killed Juvia's parents. Sent Erza's parents far away. Cursed Gray's father. nearly killed Lucas. And, sent the dragons away. I don't know if you know this but, Natsu, Gajeel and Wendy were all raised by dragons. Master kicked him out. We never heard of him again. But our anger at him never died.

End of narrating

"Is that it?" I ask.
"No." Melody says looking down.
Hate me yet?
Almost there.
"He's my brother."


Me: and done.
Natsu: dun dun duh!
Lucy: so you're telling me, that the maniac is innocent Melody's brother?
Me: yep!
Mira: it makes it interesting....
Everyone except Mira: no.
Mira: ZACY!
Nalu: NO HEL NO!
Me: it's a ship...BUT NO!
Mira: fiiiiine.
Me: wait.....oh no........WAAAAAAAH! 😭
Lucy: what's wrong?
Me: I-I have school today! 😭😭😭
Lucy: NUUU!
Natsu: NUUUUUUU! SHOOL! What's school?
Mira: b-but that means, NOT AS MUCH NALU, NUUUUU! WAAAAAAH!
Me: *sniffle* I will try to update daily, but I apologise if I don't.
Mira: I don't like school anymore.
Me: anyway, I'm going to go have a boring day at school. See you later. Everyone say bye.
Everyone: byieeee

Nalu: The Pirate Duo (completed)Where stories live. Discover now